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Keeping things lore friendly.



83 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you only use mods that are lore friendly?

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i voted yes, but you should add a mostly or sometimes option. if i go outside the es lore, its still in reality for that game and could be explained. however i always pass on gun and modern looking clothing mods because in my mind they don't fit in any way, shape or form.
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I typically keep these "aesthetically" accurate.


Some of the weapon and armor mods may not be lore friendly, but they fit the era and artistic style of the game.


Guns, anime stuff, etc. I keep away from my skyrim.


Lore friendly in itself is a very subjective term. Sometimes people take it as "Could exist in the world" or "Does exist" meaning there's been evidence to support its existence.

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Skyrim is one of the few games where the player can feel a part of the world. Breaking this connection detracts from a lot of the great parts of Skyrim, you are left with a first person hack-n-slash, with repetitive voice acting and a relatively shocking plot.


That is how I feel, each to their own though.

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Wow. When I logged off yesterday, it looked like very few stuck to only lore friendly mods. Now its almost 50/50.


I considered adding more options in the vote but I figured it was better to have people post their opinions on their position. Chances are I wouldn't have thought of them all anyway.


It still weirds me out to see people say they don't use lore unfriendly mods because they break immersion. I guess some people just don't see the humor in fighting Macho Man dragons while dressed as Mario using a light saber.

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I keep any changes I make purely aesthetic or balance oriented. Modifying a pre-existing universe outside of its pre-defined parameters only serves to remind me that the game is merely a construct that I can shape to my whim, which separates me from it and spoils my ability to get lost in it.


Having a bit of fun is always nice, but "having fun" isn't always the objective. I play a game like Skyrim for the same reason I read a good novel: to lose myself. When you break with canon, adding silly/anachronistic/spurious bits and pieces here and there, it just reinforces the concept that none of it is substantive or real, and you find yourself unable to become a part of this universe which you can so easily and fundamentally change.

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I try to keep it lore friendly yes. Why ? For immersion. In my opinion the more you escape the lore, the less it's easy to roleplay...and if you don't roleplay in an elder scroll well you probably miss the core of the game.


Will I always only use lore friendly mods ? Probably not 'cause it's great to have some fun too.

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