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Skyrim Redone (SkyRe) Dremora Bug


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In Skyrim Redone (SkyRe) the dremoras have been changed. The summonable dremora are now assigned into three different classes. You have the Dremora Kynreeve, a two handed warrior with Daedric Armor, the Dremora Markynaz has a bow and is an archer and finally you have the Dremora Valkynaz, a warlock/mage.


I used SkyRe for months and had no issues with the dremoras at all until a few days ago. A few days ago my Dremora Valkynaz started using a random leveled weapon and NO spells. I made no changes that I can think of that might have caused this issue. The other dremoras work fine and it's only the Dremora Valkynaz that is bugged.


The issue is there on a completely new game but here's the interesting part: The issue is still there with only Skyrim Redone and SkyUi installed. I disabled all the mods execpt for Skyrim Redone and SkyUi and the issue is still there.


What could be causing this?

Edited by morogoth35
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