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Which ENB is right for me?


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I have tried a bunch of mods, but the resulting picture is still faded. I have given up on lore-friendly and realistic darkness. What I am seeing is so dull and dark. Even with a torch, lantern on the belt, and candle light spell, I can't see the other side of a small room.


I was looking at "SkyrimSE Re-Engaged". It has many options, and the Dolomite one seems the most colorful. Is there a more colorful and bright ENB out there? Ideal color pallet: Mass Effect Andromeda. Blizzard loves their shades of brown, gray and faded yellow.

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If you want my opinion so far SSE ENB are not worth using since they are devoid of all the interesting features and Boris doesn't seem to be very interested in the new 64 bits architecture.


If you absolutely want the DOF effect from enb then that probably the only feature you will appreciate if you don't like the one in vanilla SSE.


My advice go with vanilla and use the imaginator to change the saturation and color + a whole bunch of various setting and you will have no fps drop like an enb.


Most enb that seem to look good are often done for the big weather mods but personally i don't like them because the artistic depiction of certain type of weather are pretty much atrocious from an artist point of view.


Hope i shed a few lights so you can decide from yourself.

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