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Need some help to see if this script could potentially work

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Hi everyone,


I just want to see if this is something that would work with papyrus.


Would it be possible to make a script for magic effect magelight projectile to attach to an object or armor piece?


I already know that we have a few delivery type like Target Actor and Target Location so if we can attach it via script to let's say a lantern then we would finally have the light flickering FX working.


I have already tried all the Casting Type and Delivery methods and only Fire and Forget + Aimed,Target Actor,Target Location are making the light FX working properly.


This is easily achieve with Constant Effect on Self but unfortunately it removed the light flickering FX.


Not asking anyone to do it just if it would work but general pointers would be appreciated.

Edited by dovapix
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What an idiot i am i just realized i made this thread in the wrong forum section! How do we contact a mod here?


If a mod see this thread can you please move this thread to : Skyrim Special Edition Creation Kit and Modders


My apologies since i went in my content and didn't realize i was not in the good forum...

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