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So i finished up my cave mod, testing in game and i keep spawning outside of the cave falling, then respawning, then falling and i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. What determines where a player spawns when you teleport or just coc (location)?
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I would recommend you to place a door somewhere and use it to get into the cave. You have to place one at the end anyways.


Why must i place a door? I'm making it to where you teleport into the cave with a spell so you can use it anywhere. I'm just hung up by spawning in the void rather than in the cave when i coc there.

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COCMarkerHeading determines where you arrive when you teleport to an interior. It's in WorldObjects/Static in Object Window.


Also, the make door advice was good because as far as I know, if there is no COCMarkerHeading, you show up where a door marker is. And if the door marker doesn't exist, you show up where an XMarker is. And if there's no XMarker...


Remember to only put ONE COC marker.

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