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How do you use F4se function GetMorph and SetMorph?

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I'm too stupid to understand how this works. I have opened Looksmenu json char presets to see how they are made but I still can't figure how to use this. I don't even know if this is how looksmenu works.




What are string and keyword? String is name of the part? What is this keyword? Anyone ever used this function and can share how it works? Does it work yet? I have tried to google but no luck.

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again with the awesome questions vkz89q!

my mod-fu in FO4 is atrocious,

though until some other modders arrive, who specialize in this area

I'll share some tentative conjectures etc about this


its an ongoing area of development for FO4 mods, at least in English hehe.

(the mod author of the FO4jp "Iron Iron-Chef Takahashi" mod

also made a 'better asians regionalization mod" too)

you make a morph in a third-party compatible program,

and FO4's creation engine reads it and will register the slider.


it is intertwined with the NPC system overhaul - a project to encapsulate SPECIAL for all NPCs etc.

if we don't handle it just so... this framework could be game-breaking levels of chugging waiting to happen hehe.

it also touches on the status of modders... once we recieve more clarification there,

we'll be able to incentivize these kinds of projects,

to make them have a better turnaround time hehe.




it was originally a framework for character appearances,

and for "variable geometry objects" - things that could play animations or distort.

see FO4 "the master" test footage.

do not adjust your sets, that abomination in The Institute was really that horrific!

it's not "Kingdom Death" come to life, it's just... a huge mega centaur.


It's still used in character stuff and CBBE etc.

accurized regionalizations mods will be utilizing this feature,

to implement better "ethnicity regionalization sliders" in the future,

rather than having to make individual ones...


this framework is made to allow different kinds of face-morph sliders to be interoperable.

folks from 2ndLife and Blender are working on getting key-frame sliders and stuff,

so that you could dial in your own pastiche and have the textures etc too.

ie, you can mix and match sliders in addition to the base game's morphs.


they're also trying to expand CBBE and morphs sets from that too,

so as you can avoid the "cookie-cutter effect" of all settlers looking similar.

what if you had one arm blown off entirely, and you're not from the Enclave or Institute,

and have to live with that?

what if you want to play as a "mutant" and have that Total Recall 3 boob look etc?

what about an extra set of arms? (not quite human centipede hehe).

conjoined mutant ala Centaur?

what if I want to play as an Asian, North Amerindian etc...?


preliminary test results are awesome!

you can have 'mutants' in Diamond City with accurate depictions of dwarfism etc,

see "Lil'Betsy" based on a likeness of a dwarf-ized Rosie O'donnell.


you can play as someone with club-feet and a limp, or whatever you want.

it's all about customization. emotional investment, and making it have verisimilitude.


User Ineteye is very prolific in this space, so definitely keep your ear to the ground with them hehe.

that's what makes Fallout stand apart from a lot of other games.

it affords folks that huge degree of customization



you can see that Beth wanted to implement a 'Dark Souls'/MGSV style slider system,

allowing for more customization even than what is present in the base game...

however, for some reason, they omitted that feature.

some conjecture it was behind-the-scenes licensing 3rd party issues,

others conjecture it was stability in the final game and coding issues...

what's noticeably absent is that customization feature.


FO3 and FONV allowed a lot of base unmodified customization -

you could FORPG as a mutant etc... it's harder to do in FO4 unmodified.





I am experimenting myself with some morphs on doorways,

which I have rigged to play an animation of liquid metal on the surface of...

ie- if the solid doorway has a morph on it... can I make it morph to a face,

while playing the liquid metal or other animation?

to make a bulkhead appear "haunted" etc.

will an animation that is mapped to the solid, play natively across the morph'd facegroup?

or, will I have to switch the animation keyframe to one that is unwrapped to the contortioned face?


then, a thought occurs,

what about klien-dixie tubes that 'trap' a Thetan in them hehe.


you can do some real horrorshow stuff with Fallout with those 2 frameworks hehe.

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