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ENB for Institute walkthrough?


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I'm wondering, as i havent found one yet, if there is any END preset that is playable with an Institute playthrough?


What i mean by that, well...

Standing in the main room @ CIT:

1) Without ENB, i can see the whole room, well lit, and reckognize everything.

2) With 'END Royal' i have sci-fi like flares, which in the CIT main room, gives like 20 horizontal flare-lines allover the screen, making it hardly playable.

3) With 'Cinematic Looks', i'm almost blind, as the room is heavy overlit, cant see any further than like 3 meters, barly reckognize the elevator button within reach (0.5m)..

4) With 'Ambient and Crisp' the room is strangly dark, people even darker - as in a shadow, and the whole CIT looks dirty.


Dont get me wrong, all these ENB presets are from great to awesome, outside the CIT or within a cave or a regular building, but for the CIT, they do not 'work' for me.


Just wondering if anyway has experience with an Institute walkthrough using ENB.


Thank you in advance.




Best i've found was "Bold Bleach" where i use the 'Bold' version.

Its best i've found, but me not really happy with that for CIT, it just sucks the least.



Just found "Decent Plus" wich looks awesome @CIT + outside, however, pressing "PRT SCR" crashes the game to desktop :(

So, still looking...

Edited by Sephrajin
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