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Which MO version is most stable for Oldrim?


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Hey, I'm tired with NMM's messy data folder, file overwrites & damaging my game files. Because of that I decided to try MO for a while. So, which version should I use?. Which version is the most stable & popular among skyrim community?.


Also I found two repositories for MO. First one is in TaninOne's account and the other one is in LePresidente's account (Which is a fork from TaninOne's). But all recent releases in both LePresidente's & Tannin's repos are marked as for testers only.

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version 1.3.11 for original Skyrim. At least that is the version that I have been using and have had very few issues with it. Most problems were caused by me and not the tool itself.


Out of those that use Mod Organizer, I would suspect that the Tannin version is the most used for original Skyrim while the other version is the most used for SSE.

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version 1.3.11 for original Skyrim. At least that is the version that I have been using and have had very few issues with it. Most problems were caused by me and not the tool itself.


Out of those that use Mod Organizer, I would suspect that the Tannin version is the most used for original Skyrim while the other version is the most used for SSE.



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