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The "Yes, it finally- oh dammit" issue


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So after messing around I thought I finally got a working game with decent loading speed, smooth gameplay, no lag, no crash mid-game... for hours and hours. But then there are 2 very frustrating things happened and I had no idea why:


1. If I fall down (from a cliff, or a ceiling), no matter what, when, where, how high, the game randomly (I couldn't recreate it, it doesn't happen in a specific place) got very bright, the fps then dropped to 1. Basically it froze. But I could still press ESC and quit the game. The "save when quit" still works and if I load that save it loads and plays as normal.


2. Random crash after death, just when the loading started. Again this is random, 60% of the time the game loads normally.


Here is my modlist. I'm using Photorealistic ENB.





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