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what are Xbox/PS3 textures comaprible to?


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Pretty sure for world texture size none are more than 512 since that's the default for pc as well (before the hi res pack)


would that be high textures from the launcher then?


high doenst seem to bad, medium seems to lose all detail, clothes look like the NPC is wearing mud on his body, very low detailed

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I believe the 360 was a combination of medium and low. There are no scaling textures on the 360 so things look horrible from up close and the view distance is low but they do use mostly medium quality textures I believe. The PS3 can get away with more. It probably would be the equivalent of medium with acceptable level of view distance, but the textures do scale when up close. PC is far better but the PS3 is the best alternative if you can't play it on the PC. If you don't really care about graphics all that much they use the same mechanics so the game will feel the same across all platforms, but PC gets mods :happy: .


By chance you are not planning to use our statements to 'win' a youtube comment war are you :laugh: .


(for say the video



I personally play Skyrim on Ultra on my laptop and enjoy it (x8 aa, x16 filtering and FXAA), but you shouldn't put people down for playing it on other systems. I have friends who play it on the PC and the 360 and they like the game from the actual experience, not the graphics. The higher settings just help you immerse yourself more into the game and enjoy it to its fullest.

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no youtube wars, i already no that PC skyrim goes 2024 and 4096 textures, there is no comparison. and there is no point arguing with those buffoons, they dont listen or believe you even when you start throwing facts and figures around backed up by evidence they either think your lieing and making it up or put their hands over their ears and start yelling "im not listening to you".


i mean how could their console of choice not be the bestest?!


was just curious about how the console textures match up to default PC textures.


i havnt seen many detailed videos, i dont think most comparison makers know what they are looking for really. ive seen that video you gave me and its ok but not great, they should be getting really close to a texture to look at it rather than being about 20feet away and looking at it and asking which is better. and concentrate more on draw distances differences. most of those vids are rigged anywy, blur and darken one slightly even though they are the exact same rezo and everyone who doesnt know what they are talking about screams that one has much better lighting because it is slightly lighter


was just wanting a few good clear extreme close up examples of NPCs clothing, ground textures, rocks and trees

Edited by mitzibishi
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