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Hello all. My first mod is released. :smile:




The quest says, paraphrasing, "any staff will do". Yet, the quest only allows for a "Mage's Staff". I fixed it so the quest accepts a "Mage's Staff" or the "Staff of Magnus".



In progress:


Ra'Virr Books:

For those who are high level and tired of sifting through pages of notes, Ra'vir offers two new rare books "Skill Trainers Handbook"(top skill trainers list) and "Alchemy Effects Handbook"(all known formulas). For now, they are available only to level 30+ and 1000sp each. This is too easy. I'm making quest much harder somehow, like a full suit of armor type for each book.


Mournhold Custom Armor and Weapons Expansion:

Custom armor is no different from standard armor?? All custom glass armor is 13% to 33% lighter. Added glass shield and towershield to the list. Soon adding custom glass weapons as well. Other armor types available later. Constant enchanting overhaul will included in this mod.



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Seen those funky, cool, or (insert your slang term) looking sixth house candles? But, you can't pick them. ARG!


Now you can. It's quick hack to allow to you pick them up and drop them. No custom icon textures, just the colored bamboo candles icons. Seen those tall curved nightstand candle holders? Them too.


Red and White sixth house candles:

100gp and 1w


Candle stands:

100gp and 5-10w





On finishing the Molag Bal quest, you see this potted plant that's going to dry up and die. You can't take with you. I'm going to expand this to other items, trying to not to be unrealistic about what you could carry. Suggestions welcome. If not, i'll just add them as find interesting items.

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For those listening....


Custom armor and weapons additions. Using some hidden math, I figured out the price and glass required. Now available.


custom glass shield

glass towershield

custom glass claymore


I'v set the constant minimum to 64000. You can't use constant enchanting through the menu. I'v got a lore friendly story to explain it. Plus, a latter addition gives hidden history of what happened to the dwarfs.


All custom items have better stats, but have an enchantment of zero. First, you go on quest(s) to be able to get normal or constant enchanting from bols (much more gp, starts at 100k from bols. No problem for high level players with lots of GP and loot piling up.)


I'm still working on what will be available. Too much power, too easy and boring. Too little, you'll never use it or dump it soon. Gold and material components required.


Left Bracer: +1 magick regen

Right Bracer: +1 health regen


Convert existing items through bols that you don't like or don't use. Lore friendly, but tons of gp required and time.


Helm of Oren Bearclaw: heavy armor -> light armor or medium.


Altwizards staff --> MagesGuildImprovements.


I have more ideas for improvements, gives you more options for a MG and FG quests.




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All items have slightly better stats than original. Worked the math to get price and glass ore required. Lighter weight is an educated guess. Later, you be able to buy enchantments for armor and weapons, material components required. How much? I'm working it out.




Custom Armor:

glass shield

glass towershield


Custom Weapons:

glass claymore

glass halherd

glass longsword



To be done:


Mage's Guild Improvements

alternative wizard's staff

no kill archmage, no double archmage, get the twit demoted or fired, you choose.


Fighter's Guild Improvements

no kill 'his lying mouth'



Mace of Mog Bal is a great weapon. But, it's dam heavy and it's not practical for combat. You can buy a enchantment that gives you similar effect, but practical for combat and balanced.



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Custom Weapons:

glass claymore

glass halherd

glass longsword

glass war axe


All custom glass armor and weapons have better, hopefully balanced. All done! :cool:


Now for enchantments, i'v come up with a list of common enchantments. Normal enchantments won't have those weird bounds, nice even. As to how many per item, I'm still working it out.


Constant Enchanting:


Rule: +X * 10000 Soulgem total. Using special soul gem given to you, fill like any soul gem.


Bracer of Regeneration and Magicka Regen:

fill 10000 soul gem

20+(all?) ingredients with restore health


10days to create

Glass weapon with absorb magick 20pts:

(working on it)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first custom enchantment is completed and the requirements tested.



10-50 absorb magika

5 seconds silence

1100 charge (50 uses)



Fill "amulet of custom enchanting" with 1100+ in soul gems

Custom Longsword - BI

9 void salts

9 firepetals

9 (powerful monster) - no silence ingredients

9 (plant) - no silence ingredient

32000k gp (or 132k)


Beta Test Eval: Lives up to it's name! :nuke:


Game Balance in progress...





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It took days of coding and debugging, but the major problems are fixed for "custom weapons enchantments". :cool:


You buy the custom weapon with gold and glass. Then, tou select one of weapons listed and it's idiot proof(lots of checks). Then select the enchantment. For now, only one, "Mageslayer". However, I built it to easily add new enchantments. Now, it will enchant all custom weapons! :laugh:


I'v added the same ideas to custom armor. I'v run into some design issues and bugs, but nothing I can't fix with time.


You'll be more limited, but the enchantments will make more sense, things for practical use.


waterwalking boots

regen bracer (health or magic +1)

nighteye helm.


Mageslayer are 132k gold each. For, you high level characters. It will take time, but you'll get there.

fill amulet with 1100 enchantment(starts with zero)

9 each of 4 ingreds

custom weapon


waterwalking boots


9 each of four ingreds

3 each of two ingreds

11500 charge (fill up)

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  • 2 weeks later...



6 weapons that can be enchanted with 3 enchants: mageslayer, firestorm, froststorm


All glass armor armor types can now be made and then enchanted,


helm: (two types, forgot it)


left bracer: health regen, resist paralysis

right bracer: magika regen, resist paralysis


boots: waterwalking


weapons: 4 (9 each) ingredients, custom item, enchanted amulet. Two day changes.


armor constant enchantments: 7 ingredients(4/9 + 3/3, custom item, enchanted amulet. Three day changes.


weapons: average 1000 charge.


constant items: 10k to 25k+ charge.



NOTE: I thought it would be hard. It's not. You just play smart.

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Enchanted armor: constant effect


left bracer:

health regen

resist paralysis


left bracer:

magicka regen

resist paralysys














glass claymore

glass halberd - 2H

glass longsword

glass staff

glass axe

glass halberd - 1H (appears as long sword 1H)


weapon enchantments:



lightning storm




You pay for him to make it with gold and glass. Then buy the enchantment.


Next: more weapon enchantments and armor enchantments


Release of unlock objects mod coming soon!


Require MWSE 9.4a, not compatible 9.5a.






If you want it work with 9.5a, contact him. If enough people contact him, he might fix it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'v added more.


All the play testing resulted in fun play. You have to really work for those great enchantments. The waiting is mindbendingly hard. Alright, it's brutal... It's 2 days for a weapon and 3 days for armor (three day changes). I'v been testing all the items myself, for game balance and fun. You get an item worth the effort, time, and gold. Hopefully, you haven't build up too much money already. If you have, more 100k. Zero it out so you have to sell off you existing piles of items. I started with 256k+. I ran out out of money fast. After I did, It got more fun. Most of the ingredients will be hard to find. You will run of places to find glass. Not sure if want I respawning glass.


64k for lesser armors (water breathing)

128k for the good armors (magicka regen)

132k per weapon (2 enchantments)


The charge needed for any item ranges from 10k to 25k.


weapons 4 basic ingredients (9 each) + charge


armor: 4 basic ingredients (9 each) + 3 power ingredients (3 each) + charge



I'v made it for setting 50+. It plays well so far and still needs more play testing. The enchantments are made to practical and to combine with on use spells.






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