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I'm working on making NPC directions at the moment which I hope will eventually allow people to play with the map markers turned off.


The way it will work is that NPCs have a dialogue option "Directions" which when pressed offers a list of places customised to that NPC's location - local inns, shops, stables, local people, other towns, and nearby villages, shrines, bandit keeps, dungeon locations etc. When the player chooses a place they want to find, a handwritten note is spawned in their inventory which describes where to find that place (as if they've scribbled down directions the NPC has given them).


The NPC won't speak the actual directions, but they can be given bits of relevant dialogue e.g. "You got business at the stables?" if he has the MaleCommoner type voice and the player asks for directions to the nearest stables, or "New in town, right? If you need a place to sleep head over to the Winking Skeever..." if he has the MaleSlyCynical type voice and the player asks for directions to the nearest Inn.


I've started with town locations that people probably know anyway, mainly just to get it working. I've set up handwritten notes with some locations, and I've got the dialogue tree working, now I just need to work out how to script it so that pressing the dialogue option spawns the note in the player's inventory. I have no knowledge of scripting though, so this part is going quite slowly.


I also started making water creature models in blender, with the eventual aim of adding more water creatures to the seas and lakes.

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I'm working on adding some more Enchantments. Right now I'm attempting to concentrate on utilities more than stat buffs, such as Waterbreathing or Muffle. Right now I've got Candlelight and Night Eye working as enchantments for the head slot, along with adding them to all the loot lists you can find Waterbreathing. For now I'm at a bit of a dry spot in term of ideas, but if someone's got some shoot me a PM! My goals are pretty much all Enchanting based, including anything related to it.
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well im sorta new to actually doing the modding in elderscrolls games( did a few minor mods for m2tw and rome tw but thats it) so me and my friends decided that each of us will make a home or a village with quests to get us in the hang of the ck. after we are all done me and them are going to send our mods to each other so we can check each others creation out.
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I'm trying to find someone who would willing to help me learn Papyrus (ince I've gone through the tutorials on the Creation Kit wiki but don't actually understand it) so that I can expand upon my mod World Map - Skyrim Hold Borders. I want to try to add a new menu screen that shows a political map of Skyrim (just the holds in different colors, red being Imperial (like Haafingar and The Reach) and blue being Stormcloack (like Eastmarch and The Rift)) and have the ability to click on the different holds to show what the Jarl of that hold is, what the capitol city is, what the player's current bounty is, and what the player's status is in that hold (none, citizen (owns a house) or thane).


Unfortunately, since Papyrus is my first scripting language I'm having a lot of trouble grasping it. Hence why I'm looking for a mentor to help me.


Other than that, I'm just thinking of other ways to improve my mod.

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Not sure. I gave up a few weeks ago after how much of a headache it was and how bad the camera controls are. Might be willing to give it another try though, seeing as I used a older version of the creation kit to fix my Morrowind save after I did something totally out of line with the game's plot.


I think some of the biggest issues with the creation kit I have are graphics(I have no skill in art whatsoever), using the camera and moving stuff on a 3-D level.

Edited by balmunng
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