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No more decapitation only bullet holes+blood


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ala Max Payne with bullet holes.


NPC s get their heads blown off by silly weapons even by the fist and knives pipe guns.


It's a serious immersion breaker and is very ,repetitive, unrealistic. It makes me feel like I'm playing a very childishly game by Bethesda.


Or if you can lower decapitation percentage to lets say 3 to 5 percent. But bullet holes is better and real trust me on this.


And I like custom real world named weapons instead of alternative realities named weapons.

Just for immersion


About energy weapons? I don't know ,nuclear war did end at 2077, and future wars wouldn't last long (RS-28)..maybe we'll have energy weapons mass produced by 2050 ?




Thanks in advance

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Disable Dismemberment by Weapon


Doesn't work with most weapon mods, though. But I have noticed that I don't decap nearly as often with mod weapons using that mod so perhaps it does have some influence. Suppose it depends on which mods you use and how they are integrated into the game (or some such thing).


Good for removing it from most melee weapons. I only have the BIG weapons able to decap. Everything else has been disabled.

Edited by H4RDC0R3V1B3Z
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