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why does the graphic keep doing this ?


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OP did not mention some things, is this a laptop or a desktop? If a desktop are you overclocking it? any overclocking on the video card? Battlefield 1 for pc caused a lot of desktop overclockers like me who were trying to keep their cpu voltage low or nowhere near 1.4v to just go ahead and set it to 1.4v or stop overclocking. So it could be that if you are overclocking otherwise if everything is default settings or stock settings then it comes down to dirty computer case for desktop or clogged up cooling fan for laptop because people always thing laptops are like toasters or tablets and just use them on anything like giant really thick bead covers or heavy carpet or their dog or whatever then the fan chokes out and the laptop burns up.


Only other thing it could be is if a desktop then yeah bad video card or going bad power supply too.

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Is this happening only on certain objects, and only when far away from them? There's a common glitch with the mipmaps that causes them to behave like this sometimes, you can find a lot of relevant results with a Google search for "fallout 4 rainbow textures." Unfortunately no one has found a fix as far as I'm aware, but if this is what you're suffering from, you don't need to worry that your hardware might be dying or anything like that. It's just another case of Fallout 4 being a huge, buggy mess.
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When I had my cpu voltage below 1.4v that far away bug was happening to me sometimes. Once I went up to 1.4v it has not shown up again so far after several months of running at that voltage. Sometimes I would get rainbow bugs and sometimes it would be purple like a normal map then revert to uh, normal when I got close to whatever was bugged.

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ok I have read what you guys have said, and firstly I can say that my PC is healthy clean and not overclocked or overheating.. although this voltage thing I will be looking into, but I can't see why my CPU would have an effect on this bug

Tuckster makes more sense to me, as I don't have problems with any other game, even skyrim (which is the same engine) runs fine.

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