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Interior Cell walls and floor going invisible


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Ok, i've been at this for two days now, i've had a little help, "Little" help from some sources, but what help i have had hasn't worked, i was told i'd need to re-render the LoD or something?, anyway the only option for that i could find seemed to relate only to the outside world (tamriel) and have no effect on my Interior Cell, (Suggestion was World > World LOD)


Basically i've made/edited an interior cell i wanted to start to furnish as my player home, i've been through it all in the CK it looks ok, but as soon as i try to load it ingame, something wierd happens and over a short distance, some of the walls and the floor become invisible allowing me to see the ''grey'' netherworld outside the cell. if i walk forward into that area that was invisible i can see it perfectly, however the area i've just come from, goes invisible. Its like a really basic, but very final fog of war effect. one that i really don't want :(.


Any help and suggestions on how to overcome this would be hugely appreciated! thanks in advance!.



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World->World Testing and Reports->Update Distant LOD Data


Try that and see if it works. I haven't had too much time to poke around the CK but it sounds like it might work.


Doesnt appear to have worked, clicking the option doesnt appear to do anything, or at least it doesnt leave feedback on its working. I've taken some screenies and i'll try and get them up to show shortly.

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Did you duplicate the cell from an existing one, and if so, which one? Edit: Checked screens, looks like the Blue Palace


And if you did, did you leave the markers from the past one and then move walls around?


Try going into the cell in-game and open up the console and type 'MBC' (without quotes). Let me know the result.

Edited by KaptTorbjorn
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Did you duplicate the cell from an existing one, and if so, which one? Edit: Checked screens, looks like the Blue Palace


And if you did, did you leave the markers from the past one and then move walls around?


Try going into the cell in-game and open up the console and type 'MBC' (without quotes). Let me know the result.


The screenies are from a dupe. of the blue palace yeah, it was one of the first places i'd started to look at copying and when the grey wall issue started i moved on to look at others thinking i'd broken something. with regards to the markers i can't with 100% certainty say, because i tend to work room by room, so i'll delete its contents, then block off doors that i don't want the rooms for, so there could still be markers lying around when walls are moved.


MBC ingame does nothing, the console appears to accept the command because it doesnt come up with an error, but theres no followup dialogue, or information reported :(

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I have got the same problem. I created a cave in the CK. Everything looks good no warnings. Save the esp and Load up the game. The far off walls are not being displayed in game. I even duplicated an entire cell just to see if I was doing something wrong. I Still have walls not rendering in game. I Think the CK is bugged or the craptastic tutorials from Bethesda is leaving out a step that has you finalize the cell just like the path griding to connect cells. If someone has the answer...PLEASE post it some where on the nexus!
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Not sure if this attachment will work, but it should do, its the ESP zipped, ESP is called Dovaplace. the cell within called AAAPlayerhouse (was just easy to remember while editing) thats the one i tried using the blue palace with, and the screenshots above.


If there is an issue with the ESP any advice on where i can host it, or PM me a mail to send it to or something :S. Thanks again for your help though KaptTorbjorn, I'm currently building a cell from scratch to see if i get the same issue.



*Edit* Attachment didnt work, silly me for thinking it would :P. anyway i may have bent a few rules uploading it to the nexus, but once you've received it, i'll take it down. Heres the Link to the ESP mentioned above!.

Edited by Beccy
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It looks like you at somepoint during editing inadvertently deleted a portal that was inside the main hall which is giving you the rendering headache. This is the (laughably bare) page on room bounds and portals:



edit: Further investigation shows that the same number of portals as the blue palace vanilla, however deleting all the portals makes the same problem crop up all over the cell, so its definitely something related. At least the problem has been isolated :P


I have to head out to do some errands atm, I'll see if I can fix it when I get back (unlikely, but I'll try). Sorry for the delay.

Edited by KaptTorbjorn
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