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fallout 4 any mod any weapon problem


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Howdy MyronGaines12312,

as an Any Mod Any Weapon fan myself,

it's the least I can do to help you get up and going with n^X! worth of mod combos.


on the Any Mod Any Weapon files tab,

it says what the Read-Me instructions for the end-user are,

and has a link to that .esm you're searching for.

it's part of the ArmorKeywords overhaul/expansion project.

make sure you use the ArmorKeywords for the version of Any Mod Any Weapon you're using.


say for example:

NMM Mod ID # 6091 (ArmorKeywordsExtended), or NMM Mod ID# 2228 with

NMM Mod ID # 4515 (v2,3,5b of Any Mod Any Weapon)



install in the following order

Armor Keywords ---> |updates if any are applicable| ---> Any Mod Any Weapon ---> |updates to AMAW if any applicable|

as this will hopefully prevent any mismatch version error complications.


also, to prevent other weirdness,

install Armor Keywords and AMAW before you install any parts packs or standalone new weapons.

Some parts packs were not made interoperable with Any Mod Any Weapon, usually stuff prior to March 2016,

hence they can cause some 'fun' for troubleshooting.

we don't entirely know why, but install order seems the culprit for most of those pathing error-y shenanigans.

any mod any weapon doesn't like single-part weapons, or modifying the number of attach slots to a single-part weapon.

prevention is better than the cure, especially for 100s of hours of gameplay hehe.



Good luck and happy weapon-combo making

I hope this was of use for you,

and let us know when you get it up and going, perhaps with a screen-cap of an any-mod weapon you've made?

I thoroughly recommend in no particular order;

Pipe Weapon Overhaul project,

Shivs of the Wasteland,

MiB parts pack,


and Forgotten Weapons project, to name but a few.

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