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Mass Equip Settlers


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So, I know I'm not the only one who makes standard firearms and armor sets for my Sanctuary Hills Militia (Automatic Combat Rifles for Guards, Hardened Piercing Auto Assault Rifles for Troopers, Sawn off shotguns and pistols for vendors and citizens)


So something I'd like would be a Terminal that can auto equip weapons and armor from a specific storage, and apply them to settlers all at once based on their job.


So, for instance, I would build a "Mass Equipment Machine Exchange" terminal, and a "MEME Storage Crate", power them and connect them with a wire.

Then I would activate the MEME machine, select Equip Guards, then select Equip Weapons.

The script would then replace the Guard's current equipped weapon with a weapon from the MEME storage, putting the Guard's old weapon in the MEME Storage to be claimed by the player and scrapped/modified/stored elsewhere.


So, for instance, you fill up the MEME storage with like 10 "Short Automatic Combat Rifles" and Mass Equip your 10 Guards instantly.


Could also be done for Armor, Ammo, Grenades, Aid, etc.

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