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Character classes


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I made this string because I want to start oblivion over again and want a new class that plays well.


Okay, my class is Ranger( I know, bad name, but hey, I'm not that creative really)


My skills are as follows:



Conjuration (It helps to have something to distract the char you're fighting)

Heavy Armor (The class is focused more on blade-based combat than the bow)

Marksman ( Only for getting that critical shot and weakening using poison)

Alchemy (Helps for using poison with the bow)

Acrobatics ( I know, strange choice to go with heavy armor, but for reaching places that enemies can't and then getting in a nice shot with the bow)

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Usually i just have Marksman and both armour types. the other 4 i pick at random form skills i wont use much, this is to prevent levelling too fast, thus having monsters over the ability of my bow to slaughter :) I'm a stealthy type so all i need is marksman and the armours are just to stop my magicka ability being affected when i use enchanted armour i like.
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I'm a knight.


I chose this because the game said I was going to be a knight, and I thought, "What the hey? I'll go with it!"


It's worked out well! So far I have a full suit of Legion Armor (no, I didn't kill them for it, they died in the Battle for Kavatch :P ), a full suit of iron armor, and a full suit of Blades armor. I really need to DL the mannequin mod...


I also found a "dressy-item" that had a Fortify Speechcraft, Mercantile and Personality by 8 pts. each! And a resist poison shirt. And a resist Disease shirt. :D


I like to go in and raid places (evil places, that is). My character is the kind that says, "If you look at me funny, I'll kick your a**!"



Plus I also have KOTN Installed. And Horse Armor. I play w/ Vanilla OB, because I had to reinstall before because I had so many mods.



red color=spam. Sorry!

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I often make classes with one major skill for each ability. Such as Blade/Light Armor/Heavy Armor/Illusion/Destruction/Mysticism/Marksman. That gives some space to develop harmonically. And I almost always take Marksman, not because I love shooting things, but because I don't like to tire while pulling a bowstring. Even if I rarely ever use a bow by that character.
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My lastest character I planned as an Assassin/Thief, so:


- Archery

- Security

- Sneaking

- Acrobatics

- Athletics

- Light Armor

- Sword


I usually try to keep with the theme of a chosen character, so I take "annoying" skills if they make the most sense.

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I usually go for more of the brutish type, I like getting up close and personal. Though casting can be fun, especially with a few key spell mods.




Heavy Armor



Sneak (just in case)

Alchemy (we muscley types aren't very good at magic)


That's usually the formula I follow, but there are times when I just pick random skills and see what happens. Though I'll always have at least one type of armor and one weapon class in there.



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Right now I'm playing a variation of a Paladin. Skills as follows





Heavy Armor





Blade- Heavy Armor is typical since Paladins were basically high ranking knights. I gave him Blunt since Paladins are often portrayed using maces. Restoration is given since Paladins, in some cases, are considered holy warriors and often have healing abilities in games. Destruction was given because of all the close fighting that will be done, it will add to my damage, also to the sense that Paladins have divine powers, and exist as such to rid the world of evil by any means necessary. Alteration to add to the healing-support you see in portrayed games, mitigation of damage and such.


This is a great build for the way that I play this guy. He uses everything evenly, and it all flows together with how I play him. Only problem I really have with him is the low magicka. But that will be easily fixed with some Illusion or Alchemy practice.

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I go for the stealthy/magic hybrid. An rogue/sorcerer/assassin.



Light Armor






Blade gives me the option to get up close to my enemies. Besides, daggers are cool.

Marksman lets me strike from afar, which is helpful if I plan on making a decisive first strike against a group of gobbos.

Light Armor protects my soft, flawless skin.

Sneak allows me to get in place undetected, so's I can hit the enemies when they least expect it. Also, I can take things from people, which is a nice perk.

Destruction, so I can shoot fire and lightning and ice at my enemies, and damage their attributes and weapons, leaving them powerless.

Conjuration gives me the opportunity to summon some other-worldly help, so I can have a distraction that will allow me to go invisible with a potion, and sneak off to a better vantage point.

Alchemy is just an all-around good skill to have. It duplicates the effects of Restoration, Destruction, Mysticism, Alteration, and Illusion. I love Alchemy and it loves me.

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Is insane a class? Wanted to play a character like I hadn't before.

Leathers is the preferred armor, and a bow as weapon. No sword, no dagger. Carry some food and a few bottles of ale since there are no water skins in the game. Build for speed since I run away often or at least try to before I get killed.

I shoot and run a lot. Yeah, I do lots of running from monsters bigger than me. And more running.

Did I say I run away from critters a lot? I get my ass kicked often and I die. I do a lot of reloading. I don't care since I'm having fun.

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