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I looked at this model and sure enough, the normals are NOT facing the correct way.


Before (incorrect-facing normals)



After (correct-facing normals)



But there are more problems than just which way the normals are facing.


The collision cylinders are not sized correctly to fit the dimension of the object.


Collision Before



Collision After



There were quite a few duplicate vertices which also lend to the problem of CTRL + N (Recalculate Normals) not being able to automatically fix all of them for you....thus requiring manual flipping unless you remove the duplicates first.


The other issue I noticed is with the UV maps. They are complete wonky. Even if you had a really nice texture, it would butchered up because the UV Map is all over the place which makes all kinds of issues such as seams and overlaps.


UV Map for the Blade (Before Modifications)



UV Map for the Blade (After Modifications)



I'll make a quick modification and re-upload the .blend file to your mod page.


EDIT: Source files uploaded to your mod page as "Nicmas Excalibur 0_2" but only contains the following types of files: .blend, .dds, .psd (does not contain .esp or .nif)


I fixed the UV Map for the Blade but you still really need to fix the UVs for the others as well which means updating your textures to accommodate the difference in sizes of the maps. The objects and textures were also renamed to better describe what each piece is.



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:thanks: How I can make a collision
I have found that with swords such as this, it is better to simply use an existing vanilla Oblivion NIF as the base.


For whatever reason, Blender NIF Scripts doesn't seem to handle exporting more than one collision object very well. It might simply be my ignorance on how to setup a secondary collision though but I do have a work-around.


NIF Structure of Excalibur 1.0 (incorrect collision)



NIF Structure of a steel longsword (correct collision)



I recommend removing the collision capsules from the .blend file and then export the NIF without them.


Then take a similarly shaped sword from Oblivion (such as the steel longsword) and use it as follows:


Assumption #1: Your exported / custom sword filename is NicmasExcalibur_wip.nif

Assumption #2: Your copy of the steel sword is named: NicmasExcalibur.nif

  1. Open NicmasExcalibur.nif in NifSkope.
  2. Right-click on each existing NiTriStrip and select Block --> Remove Branch
  3. Click File, New Window and open NicmasExcalibur_wip.nif
  4. Right-click on a NiTriStrip, select Block --> Copy Branch
  5. Alt-Tab back to NicmasExcalibur.nif and Right-click Scene Root and select Block --> Paste Branch
  6. Repeat the above two steps for each NiTriStrip until your entire model is in the new NIF file.
  7. Make sure Render --> Draw Havok is enabled so you can see the collision models.
  8. If the end-points do not fit your model, then you will need to adjust the xyz values. See attached image for correct location to make adjustments. This simply requires trial and error but is easy to figure out.

Where to Adjust Collision End Points




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