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Clutter explosions in Jorrvaskr


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Greetings all.


When I enter the bedrooms in house Jorrvaskr, opening the doors for the first time, all the clutter seems to explode away from the door and my character "jumps" into the middle of the room. This happens when I keep pressing W when entering, and when standing still outside the room and then opening the door.

At first I thought it was a mod problem.

I use NMM 0.63.14


I ran Tes5edit 3.2 through skyrim update.esm, Dawnguard.esm, Hearthfire.esm, and Dragonborn.esm.


I use SKSE 1.7.3 and ENB v0.308


I first tried de-activating mods such as

Fore New Idles in Skyrim

Liflike Idle Animations

XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended

Fix Lip Sync

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

NetImmerse override v3-4-4

Total Character Makeover

HDT Physics Extentions

Nothing helped, even de-activating all my mods. So I deciaded to uninstall all mods with nmm, then de installing Skyrim with windows, and then deleting the skyrimfolder at E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim, restarted my pc and then downloading Skyrim from Steam/


That fixed my problem.


So then I started re-downloading and installing my mods step by step and checked my game after each mod instalation. After each instalation I ran LOOT v 0.11.0 which I did not use earlier on.


USLEEP = fine

Alternate Start - Live Another Life = Fine

SKSE = fine

Realistic Water Two (without ENB patch) = fine

Total Character Makeover = fine

Bijin Warmaidens = Fine

ENB v0.308 = forgot to check

Bijin NPC's = problem at the door started again.


My pc is an AMD platform with AMD FX 4170 quad core running at it's standart 4.2ghz, 16gb RAM, SSD 240gb for windows only and HD 1T with a partition (E) of 199gb for games, Nvidia GTX 770 2gb, and a motherboard MSI Gaming 970. Windows 7 64bit with latest updates.


I added an "old" list of mods from nmm. These are the mods I used and hope to be using again.

Edited by TheFourthHorseman4
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I would suggest that you've found the problem, Bjinn's NPCs. You might try cleaning it with TES5Edit in case there's a wild edit somewhere. I will also point out that if you're using the latest version of NMM, then there's no reason to do a complete game uninstall. Uninstall your mods with NMM, then verify your game cache through Steam. Verification will reset any corrupted files so that you know the base game files are good. Also, if I understand HDT Physics properly, then the physics only work when called upon by an HDT compatible mod, so it's unlikely to be the cause of strange physics. I'm sure someone will let me know if I'm mistaken. :tongue:


On an unrelated note, the Precache Killer is no longer necessary, as its changes have been merged into SKSE. And, I'd put RaceMenu before any mods which depend on it, like your preset mods.

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Wow, you guys are FAST :) Thank you so much.

I will follow your advice and run Tes5edit over the the Bijin NPC's mod.

To verify my game cache through Steam, I so did not think about that one :D thanks for the reminder :)

I'll give you an update once I ran Tes5edit.


Thanks again for your FAST responce :)

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Ok, I ran tes5edit on Bijin NPC's only. Apply filter for cleaning, remove "Identical to Master" records and closet tes5edit. No save was requierd. The problem is still happening. I even noticed another thing happening, when I stand sideways to the door and not directley in front of the door, I pop up inside the room after opening the door with out touching my W key.


Anyways, next step I will preform is de installing the Bijing NPC's mod, clear game cach in Steam, and then start the game.

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