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Help with TMB Mod


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So what I'm trying to do is install this mod: http://robton.nu/vanilla-armors-and-clothes-tmb/


Know that I'm kind of handicap with this stuff, all the mods i've been using this far have only been the ones that had the nice green button "download/install with nexus mod manager" and if i had to do i manually i just skipped it. But someone explained to me today how to do it manually and i figured it out, its really easy even for me lol


but anyways, I downloaded this TMB armors and clothes mod and I installed it on my nexus mod manager properly it has the green check mark. But it wont run properly


My game will start, I will hit Continue or Load to another save, the load screen will show up and it will go like normal but as soon as the loadscreen is done and it is about to show my charachter and game and all, it just crashes. I know its this mod because when i deactivate it it doesnt crash and when I activate it it crashes. But I'm not sure how to fix this. My laptop is pretty strong. the strongest laptops u can get.

Model: GL752VW

Processor: INtel® Core™ i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz

RAM: 16.0 GB

System type 64bit

please help me figure this out, its probably something easy and i sounds a special kind of retarded writing this lol but i think i just require a nice dumbed down step by step or something explanation how to fix this. I want this mod, it makes the clothing look fricken sexy instead of slutty xDDDDD lol

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Did you install the required body mod? Did you install the skeleton it requires (the body mod)?


Also, for future reference, post all Skyrim mod related troubleshooting topics here instead. This board is for newcomers to introduce themselves.


Skyrim Mod Troubleshooting Board:


Edited by DaddyDirection
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okay I will do that from now on thanks, this i my first topic ever posted in the forum so I wasnt sure. But thanks for that instruction.


and I had not downloaded and activated the body mod. But i did now as you advised and the problem is resolved. Thank you so much! :)

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