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YAY! Skyland is Finally Done!


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YAY! SKYLAND IS DONE! Now to start with all of the updates and adding more textures to various odds and ends like dragon mounds.

I want to thank everyone for the moral support. It's been since November that I've been working on Skyland and I'm very very proud of the outcome. All of the comments on reddit, nexus, and beth.net have been overwhelmingly possitive and they really effected the outcome. I took all the comments to heart when making decisions on colors and textures. I'm still updating based on new comments.

On PC you have the option for both 1k and 2k versions for all versions of Skyrim.

On Bethesda you have Xbox 1k and 2k and 2k for PC.

Thank you for ALL of the support on Patreon and I hope to continue making more and more mods. I have lots of plans for other texture packs under the Skyland umbrella. It's just super expensive to make this stuff and just this Skyland pack is already at 100's of hours of work. But I explain all of that HERE https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/67e7ag/skyland_27_update_and_other_news/.

Skyland Farmhouse

Skyland Dungeons

Skyland Whiterun

Skyland Markarth

Here's what all included in Skyland

4k Mountains/Rocks

Whiterun Tundra

Whiterun City streets, grass, retaining walls, interior and exterior dirt

The Rift

The Reach

Frost Marsh





Bridges (Vanilla replacement and SMIM replacement)




...and more

CHECK OUT THE PHOTO ALBUM http://imgur.com/a/L7GWr

There are loads of videos on Youtube for all the previous stuff that's also included.

Thank you again and I'm super excited to hear your comments and feedback so I can make this the best Landscape mod (and future texture mods) available.

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