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jisobo - BANNED

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jisobo banned.




Reason for the ban

piracy -- "I own things on Steam, but get retail version copies via torrent so that I can run them without Steam consuming my system resources, and I can get the most out of them. The extreme prejudice exhibited here seems like it might not be entirely merited."


Prejudice is an unfounded opinion lacking any factual basis. Piracy is illegal, therefore disliking piracy is not an unfounded opinion.


From our ToS, "We have a strict anti-piracy policy and we take a proactive and preemptive stance on anyone who gives us reason to believe [he] is using a pirated version of any game or software. We only support official game versions...."


Reference post




Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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