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Purple Texture problem - Please help


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So this happens with some of the raiders in the game. Only witness this with the raiders too. I'm currently using the up to date enb 311, along with enb Pilgrim, and a list of mods. I tried to verify game cache. Nothing. Tried to do a clean reinstall with folder deleted, and mods all uninstalled. Nothing. Tried to take out Raider Overhaul to see if that's the issue. Nothing. What else am I doing wrong?


Here's the list:


0 0 Fallout4.esm

1 1 SimSettlements.esm

2 2 Companion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour.esm

3 3 Snap'n Build.esm

4 4 ArmorKeywords.esm

5 5 SettlementKeywords.esm

6 6 Homemaker.esm

7 7 unofficial fallout 4 patch.esp

8 8 DLCRobot.esm

9 9 DLCworkshop01.esm

10 a DLCCoast.esm

11 b DLCworkshop02.esm

12 c DLCworkshop03.esm

13 d DLCNukaWorld.esm

14 e Pilgrim.esp

15 f BetterSettlers.esp

16 10 BetterSettlersMortalPack.esp

17 11 BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp

18 12 FO4 NPCs Travel.esp

19 13 America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave.esp

20 14 3DNPC_FO4.esp

21 15 RecruitableSettlersFH.esp

22 16 CBBE.esp

23 17 Unique NPCs.esp

24 18 StrongerRaids.esp

25 19 Medium Raids Vanilla.esp

26 1a Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp

27 1b More Smarter Companions Mod.esp

28 1c uif faction mod.esp

29 1d EFF.esp


31 1f My_Minutemen.esp

32 20 AA HotC - Standalone - SE.esp

33 21 NIS - Hunted.esp

34 22 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp

35 23 KSHairdos.esp

36 24 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp

37 25 BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp

38 26 FO4Hotkeys.esp

39 27 CraftingNPCs.esp

40 28 Armorsmith Extended.esp

41 29 Tactical Flashlights.esp

42 2a Tactical Flashlights - Settings.esp

43 2b AA HotC - Standalone - SE - AE Patch.esp

44 2c Cannabis Commonwealth.esp

45 2d Smoke-able Cigars.esp

46 2e Animated Drinking.esp

47 2f AK47.esp

48 30 DOOMDesertEagle.esp

49 31 Glock20.esp

50 32 Journal.esp

51 33 9x39Project.esp

52 34 ASVektor.esp

53 35 DPAssaultCarbine.esp

54 36 ColtM1911.esp

55 37 DOOMMerged.esp

56 38 Famas.esp

57 39 P90.esp

58 3a P90NPC.esp

59 3b USP Mod.esp

60 3c Reload Sounds.esp

61 3d USP_Animation.esp

62 3e HuntingShotgun.esp

63 3f M4A1.esp

64 40 m82a.esp

65 41 870.esp

66 42 RemoteExplosives.esp

67 43 SCAR-L.esp

68 44 DOOMSCARLK.esp

69 45 M9.esp

70 46 P99.esp

71 47 ImmersiveGameplay.esp

72 48 IG_Doombased_leveledList.esp

73 49 SeasonPass_IG_PATCH.esp

74 4a RaiderOverhaul.esp

Raider Overhaul Patch.esp

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first, your load order looks horrible. the DLC should be before any mods.

try running LOOT and seeing if that sorts it out.


purple textures usually mean that the texture is missing so check that when you installed the mods the textures were installed properly. sometimes NMM can have problems with very large mods such as Raider Overhaul or Eli's Armour Compendium (the only mods in your load order that change raider clothing)

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first, your load order looks horrible. the DLC should be before any mods.

try running LOOT and seeing if that sorts it out.


purple textures usually mean that the texture is missing so check that when you installed the mods the textures were installed properly. sometimes NMM can have problems with very large mods such as Raider Overhaul or Eli's Armour Compendium (the only mods in your load order that change raider clothing)


Missing texture or texture being stopped from loading due to a conflict.

Possible texture overwritten by a mod then mod was removed and texture no longer exists .


Also...yeah...that load order looks terrible... use LOOT a.s.a.p

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Jeez, yeah. Pretty much everything is wrong there, looking at that load order.


And as mentioned, if you have installed and removed a mod then tried to continue playing the same save, without starting fresh, you are increasing the chances of problems occurring such as missing textures, crashes, CTDs, bugs. The list is endless. Good modding practice is needed. Mods can be fickle beasts and will bite the hand of those who feed them without hesitation. In other words, do not trust them to always function as normal and never remove them mid-game. Some texture replacers can be swapped about, such as Fallout 4 Seasons but even then, there is always a chance it will flip out.


If you are just testing a mod, create a hard save before even touching it to install. Quit then enable the mod, test it and if you don't like it, do not save. Quit and reload the save prior to installing said mod (or mods)


Got to be careful with these things.

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  • 2 years later...

For me I have Purple tires and thats all i notice i havent played the game fully so i see no other bugs i wanna fix this then move on and i tried reinstalling the game but what i can assume i have to do is wipe my vortex and fallout clean it from my pc then just reinstall everything since i have no idea what to do to make a new thing then find out what mod i loaded since i had all the same mods i had befor and didn't do that so i'll just do that and take it slow with my mods.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having an issue with a new outfit I installed, which it seems some others are too, but the mod author can't replicate it. It seems he has an effect shader on the stockings which makes them not render properly for us?


So anyone know about this shader effect being a thing? One user said that its' a known issue with AMD graphics cards, they can't render shader effect materials, but I've never seen this issue myself until this outfit.

The outfit in question: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/43825

Maybe someone who reads this can help us figure out why only some of us have this issue.

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