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ghoul healing increase

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I am trying to increase the amount of health/sec that ghouls get from being exposed to radiation. Anyone know how to increase this value?


I have tried the following

1. Created a perk that used the setradstoheal as an entry point. I set the value to 500 for testing. This worked well on the player. Healing the player to full health from minor radiation. However it does not work on ghouls. I think its because that the perk uses the radiation damage to calculate the health gain. Because ghouls are immune to radiation damage they receive no healing.


2. I looked at the script for the perk ghoulish 4. Looking at the script it seems like it heals radiation damage and health at the same time. I think I would again run into the ghoul radiation immunity problem.



Ideas I would like to try but don't know how to implement

1. Track the radiation level the ghoul is exposed to and have that heal via a script.


2. Remove ghouls radiation immunity.


I would appreciate any new ideas as I have hit a dead end on this one.


Thank you.

Edited by erratichippo
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