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Missing and/or cannot find Mods/Assets. Plz Help


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I am attempting to install reindeer51's Ultimate NPC Overhaul II(UNO) and have run into the problem of not finding a few mods.

I have searched, but have yet to find the missing requirements.


Missing assets:




-KS Hairdo's.esp



I currently have ApachiiSkyHair installed, which I imagine is the full version. I have also installed KS Hairdo's Renewal, uploaded by Kalilies, which is in the required mod section of the description for UNO. The SGHair is listed under requirements as SG Hair 268, but has no link and I've had no luck when searching on my own.


UNO is the only mod listed with red text and is my only noticeable issue at the moment. And when attempting to launch the game it crashes out after the bethesda logo.


I am using NMM as well.

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SG Hair can be found by googling "sg hair pack". It's the first link.


The Apachii Hair Male and Female are separate packs, available as optional files from the same page as the base pack.

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I've attempted a reinstall of the KS Hairdo's Renewal, but i still have the same error where i'm missing the KS Hairdo's.esp


I searched the Nexus page for KS Hairdo's Renewal, but did not find anything that looked remotely related to what i'm missing.

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