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[REQ] Need someone with flash skills or a UI modder to help me finish TRAIN POWER ARMOR


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My TRAIN POWER ARMOR mod is almost complete.




It grants the player a new type of power armor and a new quest to get it, but I've run into a roadblock.

The armor comes with a unique ability: it can build up steam under conditions, which can be used in place of AP and used for other actions (blasting enemies with a whistle, steam bombs, etc). I want a new UI element that displays the user's steam.

I HAVE that element scripted and working, but here's the issue: it uses the HUDFramework example widget. So while it displays steam, the label is wrong.

See this example.


My skill at flash and that stuff is zero. Less than zero, negative in fact. I'm looking for someone to simply change that element to read "Steam" instead of "Kill Count"

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