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Screwed up header in Merged .esp


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I would really appreciate if someone knows how to fix this. Apparently I saved an .esp with FO4 Edit with the secondary master file name in the header empty. Now, I can't open it on Fo4Edit because it keeps trying to find a file with no name at all.


How can I fix this? Is there a way to force Fo4 edit or any other tool to open it and remove the empty master file?


Thanks in advance

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You can launch the Ckit and select the .esp from the data window. On the right side you'll see the master list. I'm assuming with a file with no name you'll see "Unknown Master" in the list. Select it and hit ctrl + Del. (I'm not 100% sure if that is the correct command, it's not simple delete but, a key combo) The ckit will remove the master and, just set the file as active, load and save.

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