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Possible to attach objects?


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There is a script in the CK to tether a cart to a horse: TetherToHorse

I have made a simple mod that will let the player mount a horse outside whiterun and run around while the cart is pulled behind the player. It works surprisingly well all things considering course having the horse run and hitting a rock makes for a rather bumpy ride to whoever is in the cart xD. Here is a video demonstrating it I made real quick so others can see it working in game. In the beginning of the game your pulled by a horse in a wagon using this script or I believe so I created this mod simply by working off the starting area and lots of time on the Wiki and google searches.



My goal or to hopefully inspire someone more competent in the CK is to make a wagon the players mount pulls and the wagon is a player house. Such as a traveling house, I made a mod request topic and have seen many similar requests as well.

Edited by true_predator
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Nice little demo there predator. Looks like the wagon has a towbar at the back too; wagon train time lol.


I suppose it would be technically possible to tether another animal instead of a horse (like a cow, or perhaps several cows, for a slow moving heavy load like said rolling house). I wonder how the code reacts to multiple tether points for the same vehicle. Can it distinguish between them?

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Here is a link to download my test mod.

Download at Box.com


a few notes on this:

The wagon and horse are right outside of Whiteruns front gate both are player owned.


Walk speed is best for cart stability. I'm not sure if editing the mass of the wagon will change it from flipping out if you run over uneven terrain. I am working on figuring out how to do that but not much results, if you sprint on a road that is fairly flat the wagon will behave somewhat reasonably. I haven't had the cart totally flip out and crash the game or any serious error. Normally if you stop the cart will settle back on its wheels.


There is a horse model in the game that has the attach points for the cart and looks the best but I used a simple copy of the Whiterun stables horse for simplicity.


Yes you can kill things by running them over I suggest finding a clump of mudcrabs that was to much fun when I figured it out.


If you ride the horse far out and dismount it will walk back to Whiterun. You "can" get in the cart and let the horse pull you but note sometimes you take damage, or thrown into the air, or outright die I guess from collision checking. If you change the horse not to fight or flee you could stand there and peg stuff with your bow/spells as you go by.

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  • 2 months later...

Here is a link to download my test mod.

Download at Box.com


a few notes on this:

The wagon and horse are right outside of Whiteruns front gate both are player owned.


Walk speed is best for cart stability. I'm not sure if editing the mass of the wagon will change it from flipping out if you run over uneven terrain. I am working on figuring out how to do that but not much results, if you sprint on a road that is fairly flat the wagon will behave somewhat reasonably. I haven't had the cart totally flip out and crash the game or any serious error. Normally if you stop the cart will settle back on its wheels.


There is a horse model in the game that has the attach points for the cart and looks the best but I used a simple copy of the Whiterun stables horse for simplicity.


Yes you can kill things by running them over I suggest finding a clump of mudcrabs that was to much fun when I figured it out.


If you ride the horse far out and dismount it will walk back to Whiterun. You "can" get in the cart and let the horse pull you but note sometimes you take damage, or thrown into the air, or outright die I guess from collision checking. If you change the horse not to fight or flee you could stand there and peg stuff with your bow/spells as you go by.

You can make the cart bounce a lot less even when sprinting by adding these line to the bottom of the Skyrim.ini file







default setting is






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