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Everything posted by SomKilla

  1. you could look at how the cars where made for FO:NV, Some of the info may help, http://xre.ermeso.com/addonguide/technical.html,
  2. I would like to know more about doing something like this, hass anyone found anything out?
  3. You can make the cart bounce a lot less even when sprinting by adding these line to the bottom of the Skyrim.ini file [Cart] fWheelAngDamp=0.0100 fMass=300.0000 fFriction=100.0000 fGravMult=7.0000 default setting is [Cart] fWheelAngDamp=0.0100 fMass=130.0000 fFriction=100.0000 fGravMult=3.5000
  4. I want to make a carriage house mod that is drivable but i cant seem to get the chests, bedroll, and passenger seats to stay with the cart when i start to drive it. If anyone can help me, i would be so grateful. Here is a pic of it after i drove away from the chests and stuff http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/783/carriagehousemod.jpg and what it looks like in CK http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/1055/creationkit1.jpg http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/9113/creationkit2.jpg
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