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Videos of the Wasteland gone


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I’ve only done some preliminary tests on the Xbox version today, was updating some of my other Xbox mods today because of the latest game patch but so far so good.


I didn’t see the holotapes or a crate containing them in the shack by vault 111 but I would rather have to craft them instead of getting them for free. (I may have just missed them or have a mod conflict, I will look into this more)


The quality of the videos and the mod size on the Xbox are excellent.


I assume the Xbox main file version is an .esl instead of an .esm because it auto loaded under other .esl’s I’ve made myself. This question is only out of my own curiosity, but was there a reason for mot using an .esm like with the PC version? (It drives me nuts that Beth’s so called manager doesn’t let you see the real file name unless the mod is removed from the site.)


I’ll play with the Xbox version a bit more and let you know if I find any Xbox specific issues.


I love that I can have this again on my console, I got an Xbox and the game to test my own mods, I couldn’t stand not knowing how they played on the system but find I like playing fallout 4 on it better. This is probably because of how casual Beth geared the game but that’s another story.

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To the best of my knowledge, the main VotW file on Xbone is still an .esm, same as the pc version. Don't own a console myself so can't check & wouldn't be able to ask Razorwire for a few days. The S.P.E.C.I.A.L. tapes uploaded on Beth.net are still the default 4k for the time being, reason being that 2k textures would end up looking horrible on the Radiation Star projector screen (due to it's size) although 2k ones look ok on the TV's.

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AGreatWeigh, Quick question here. I'm gonna put the XBox version through the ringer tonight but before I do I wanted to ask two things.


  1. (this is the most important question) Are the VotW menus script injected? I assume they are but, there is no uninstall chem or method on the XBox which could end up being a really bad thing.
  2. Any chance I could get a google drive or other file share of the Xbox version WIP or whatnot (I will not publish or distribute it in any way) to look for Xbox exclusive issues you guys may be overlooking? ( I fully understand if this is something your team is not comfortable with and if you say no I'll accept it without question but I really want to help this project.)





Edit: I know you don't have an Xbox and can't test mods on one so I'm saying this. How I would look for Xbox exclusive issues would be to upload and "UNPUBLISHED" version of the mod for myself. Mod authors don't have to publish mods to test them for themselves on their console on Beth.net. I have an Unpublished version of every one of my mods on Beth.net for personal testing, I upload them for myself then once I'm happy I re-upload for the released version.


I would do the same for VotW but, I would then tell you of any edits that were Xbox exclusive and send you a file. Again I would NEVER publish without your teams consent.

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I've messaged Razorwire and asked him to contact you about this, so it might take a few days for him to get back... but yeah, having a tester for the Xbone version would be really helpful*, and I think it's fair to say everyone on the team agrees.

If you've not heard from him by the end of the week, let me know & I'll pester/annoy him until he does :)


*and more

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I played with VotW Xbox all night yesterday, I have both video packs, I’ve have built a tv room in the red rocket and out door theater at the red rocket. Everything is working fairly well.


I had two crashes but at this point I think that were just the normal random Beth crashes we all expect because they happened in two different containers when offloading loot but I’m gonna keep testing. Again at this point I don’t suspect VotW was the cause.


The only minor issues I have are.


1. In my opinion the volume of the TV’s are a bit to loud. They are louder then the placeable movie screen.


2. Sometimes the sound is off when returning to the cell when away for a long time, not a big issue it seemes to start again after being in the settlement for a bit.


3. Sometimes the videos are stopped when returning to the settlement and you have to remove the holotapes from the video player and add them again to get them playing.


Other then my opinion on the sound volume (which is just my opinio) I do suspect the other issues may be game engine limitations.


Overall loving the mod and it’s so nice to have it back.

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