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Leveling System like in Daggerfall? (Attribute distripution)


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Having played Daggerfall, I loved how upon level up you could distripute X amount of attribute points to the attributes you wanted (the amount based upon RNG). I was wondering how easy it would be to recreate same leveling system, that takes into account of leveling some major skills and few minor skills, before requiring to level up, and such, distripute points as you see fit?

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Since you always give more points to some of your attributes while leveling-up I don't understand what you mean.


In Daggerfall you got 4-6 attribute points to spend as you wish on level up, no need to train Acrobatics 10 times to get +5 speed. And leveling up is based on getting 15 "skill ups" in a combination of: your 3 primary skills, 2 highest major skills or the highest minor skill.


Though I feel like you'd run the risk of being insanely under-leveled in Oblivion without doing some kind of enemy level overhaul on top of it as well...

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