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What enb is this?


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This is an ENB I used a while back that's based on NLA.

It's similar to the one MXR is using.

It's consistent, it's never "awful" in any area.

I tried NLVA, it has the best weathers by far, but it has awful nights and interiors (far worse than vanilla) edit: only some interiors are bad (certain caves), others (like inns or houses) are fine.

Tetrachromatic is an oversaturated mess in the daytime, and at night there is very low contrast and while the landscape is lit well all light sources (like fire) are very dim so it feels as if my monitor is broken.

Rudy ENB would be very nice, but the sky is always white and there is too much of a white-purple tint on everything most of the time.

Vivid Weathers ENB is a joke, literally worse than vanilla.

Project ENB is decent, but is very old and pretty vanilla looking.



I think I'm going to stick with NLVA, the weathers and days are just too good: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/661907/?

Edited by EmeraldShadow
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This is an ENB I used a while back that's based on NLA.

It's similar to the one MXR is using.

It's consistent, it's never "awful" in any area.

I tried NLVA, it has the best weathers by far, but it has awful nights and interiors (far worse than vanilla)

Tetrachromatic is an oversaturated mess in the daytime, and at night there is very low contrast and while the landscape is lit well all light sources (like fire) are very dim so it feels as if my monitor is broken.

Rudy ENB would be very nice, but the sky is always white and there is too much of a white-purple tint on everything most of the time.

Vivid Weathers ENB is a joke, literally worse than vanilla.

Project ENB is decent, but is very old and pretty vanilla looking.


Thx for the awesome reply.

I just used NLA with Realvision's DOF and looks perfect.

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