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Torn between Project ENB and Realvision


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I've been a long time user of Project ENB. Some months ago I finally switched to Realvision, using Option C which imho has the best DoF among all ENBs. But yesterday I created a comparison between these two (and Somber Luce Lucida, another of my favs) and I have to say that Project ENB looks better in some ways, in particular shadows on characters, and there is a kind of sharpness and quality to the rendering of details with Project ENB that Realvision just doesn't do. See for yourself ...




On the first image, especially with Realvision I get these dirty shadows in a room with a stove fire in the front. looks like those dirty shadows I get with SSAO on but I get this even if SSAO turned off. Can't figure out where this is coming from.

These do happen too on Project ENB but less noticeable.


There is a color depths and cleanness in Project ENB that realvision doesn't provide.


Somber Luce Lucida looks good in interiors but is too dark and - uh, somber - for my taste when outside. I used a face light level 2 on the faces and on SLL these got overblown.


If Project ENB had the DoF and perhaps a tad more saturation like that of Realvision then things would be perfect.

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Well I basically just threw this statement here into the room but what I actually wanted to know is what other players think of Project ENB? IMO it is quite underrated. I switched back to it from Realvision and the DoF is really quite good so I'm happy with it. It's not as vivid and 'Tilt Shift' looking as RV but there's this sharpness about details and textures in Project ENB that's not in RV.

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Project ENB was my favourite one. Still kind of is. But, it's outdated and doesn't benefit from the memory tweaks etc. from newer ENB binaries. Then again, I only used the 119 binaries for it because they had the best water.

The only one I've found that comes close to the visuals (of the Realistic preset with the myopia simulator- sorry, DoF, turned off) is the Vividian ENB. Also, fluffy trees are the best trees.

Never really bothered with RV. Far too bright, too many 'cinematic' things applied, and generally not as visually pleasing or as realistic as others.

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