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Star Wars d20 RPG


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Just like the title says, its a play by forum rpg. If you're familiar with any of the d20 rpgs, good. If you're not, as long as you can give your character's actions, I can do all the numbers.


Setting is Rebellion era, about a year before SWIV. I'm allowing a starting level of 3, with equipment to match (and possibly more, I'm a generous person as long as it's in-character). If there's interest, I'll post an additional equipment list of stuff I've added to the one in the main rulebook. As for classes/etc, everything but the Jedi are available, and anyone with force powers has to have an in-character reason. Both of these are because of the Empire's destruction of the Jedi makes getting the necessary training difficult at best. Prestige classes from the main rulebook are allowed, as well as any official class you can provide complete stats for. Faction can be anything but Imperial, and must be able to work with the rest of the party on an anti-Imperial campaign.


So if you're interested, post what character type you'd like to play. If you've played the game before, great, give me the standard character sheet as well. Otherwise I'll do it for you to match the information you give me.


Note: The only things you need to know are what is in the movies (NOT including episodes I and II). I may use things from the books/games/etc, but they won't be too important. The story I'm using is completely unrelated to any of those.

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Guest lPeregrine

Ishtah: (posted for Stampede)


Trandoshan Male Soldier 3


STR: 20 (+5)

DEX: 14 (+2)

CON: 14 (+2)

INT: 10 (+0)

WIS: 10 (+0)

CHA: 8 (-1)


Vitality: 33

Wounds: 14


Attacks: +8 melee/+5 ranged

With Vibroaxe: +9 melee


Saves: +6 fort, +1 ref, +1 will


Defense: 16



Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistols

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifles

Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Vibro Weapons

Armor Proficiency: Light


Weapon Focus: Vibroaxe

Power Attack




Intimidate: 5 (+4)

Gather Information: 3 (+3)

Move Silently: 3 (+3)

Demolitions: 2 (+2)

Computer Use: 2 (+2)

Pilot: 2 (+4)

Astrogate: 1 (+1)




Vibroaxe (2d10 damage, 20 critical)

Blaster Rifle (3d8 damage, multifire, 19-20 critical, range increment 30m)

8x Frag Grenade (4d6+1 damage (splash), 20 critical, 4m blast radius)

3x Stun Grenade (stun damage (dc 15 direct hit, 12 splash damage), 4m blast Padded Battle Armor (damage reduction 4, max dex bonus +3, armor check penalty -4)

Box of Grenades

2000 Credits





Ishtah follows the Trandoshan tradition of mixing unpredictability with volatile behaviour, desperate to prove himself to the almighty deity knows as "The Scorekeeper", (A female Goddess that all Trandoshans hunt in the name of) he has left his planet, a heart filled with wanderlust and a desire to kill. Often the butt of all the older, experienced males jokes on his home planet, he seeks to return with a fair amount of humility inducing trophies. The mighty wookie may be a desired pelt, but a cunning imperial dignitaries skin shall surely make a finer prize...


His great ambition and even greater love for violence led him straight into many underworld and illegal societies, including a group of imperial abolutionists looking to start a revolution. An opportunity to start hunting imperials if there ever was one.

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Anya Triellanov (Emry): Human Female Soldier 1/Force Adept 2


STR: 8 (-1)

DEX: 13 (+1)

CON: 14 (+2)

INT: 18 (+4)

WIS: 13 (+1)

CHA: 8 (-1)


Vitality: 26

Wounds: 14


Attacks: +1 melee/+3 ranged


Saves: +6 Fort, + 3 Ref, +4 Wis


Defense: 16



Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistols

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifles

Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Vibro Weapons

Armor Proficiency: Light


Force Sensitive




Trustworthy (+2 Diplomacy/Gather Information)

Skill Emphasis: Computer Use (+3 bonus)



Computer Use: 6 (+13)

Forgery: 3 (+7)

Gather Information: 3 (+4)

Sense Motive: 6 (+7)

Enhanced Senses: 6 (+7)

Farseeing: 6 (+7)

Telepathy: 6 (+7)

Force Defense: 6 (+5)

Spot: 4 (+5)

Listen: 4 (+5)

Diplomacy: 0 (+1)



Common Clothes

Blaster Pistol (3d6, 20 critical, range increment 10m)

x4 Code Cylinder

Mastercraft Datapad (+3 bonus)


Field Kit

Holorecorder (small type)

Mastercraft Security Kit (+3 bonus)

1000 credits



Only 26 years old, Anya Triellanov has still managed to get an Imperial death mark. Originally a typical computer expert from Alderaan, she took a profitable job with the Empire. Her exceptional skills quickly brought her to a well paying position in Fleet Intelligence, analyzing data for an entire sector. But she was gifted (or cursed) with an instinctive talent for the Force. Knowing the Empire was hunting down and killing anyone even suspected of being a potential Jedi, she kept her powers well hidden. Until a superior officer's lack of concern for privacy interrupted her practice. When he decided to sell her to the Empire in exchange for a potential promotion, she knew she had to escape. A quick hacking job broke the security on the door locks holding her prisoner, and her spare identity bought her undetected passage on a ship out of the system. She brought several datapads full of mid-level intelligence data with her. While on the run, she attempted to contact various rebel groups, intending to trade the data for relative safety. Her efforts were rewarded when she was picked up by a group of ex-Corulag rebels. She quickly resumed her old job, working as a computer tech aboard the corvette Freewind.

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Malchik (Kell Olafsson)


Human Soldier 3


STR: 10 (+0)

DEX: 16 (+3)

CON: 14 (+2)

INT: 16 (+3)

WIS: 12 (+1)

CHA: 8 (-1)


Vitality: 21

Wounds: 14


Attacks: +3 melee/+6 ranged


Saves: +5 fort, +4 ref, +2 will


Defense: 17



Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistols

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifles

Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Vibro Weapons

Armor Proficiency: Light


Point Blank Shot

Precise Shot



Skill Emphasis: Pilot

Starship Operation: Transport




Astrogate: 6 (+11)

Pilot: 6 (+14)

Computer Use: 6 (+9)

Repair: 6 (+9)

Knowledge: Weapons: 6 (+9)

Knowledge: Trade Routes: 6 (+9)

Knowledge: Crime: 6 (+9)

Forgery: 3 (+6)






Blaster Rifle (3d8 damage, multifire, 19-20 critical, range increment 30m)

Padded Flight Suit (damage reduction 2, max dex bonus +4, armor check penalty -2)

Spirit of Destiny

1200 Credits



Spirit of Destiny

Sienar Fleet Systems Lambda Class Shuttle

Class: Transport

Crew: 1 - 4

Passengers: 14

Cargo: 85 tons

Size: Tiny (17.6m)

Hyperdrive: x1 (backup x15)

Maneuver: +2

Initiative: +2

Defense: 22

Shields: 80

Hull: 110 (Damage Reduction: 10)

Max Speed: 8 squares


2x Double Laser Cannon: front arc, +8 attack, 5d10x2 damage

1x Double Laser Cannon: rear arc, +8 attack, 5d10x2 damage

2x Missile: Front arc, no weapon mounted

2x Laser/Ion: front arc, no weapon mounted





Name is typical of Outer Rim weapons smugglers. A core world education taught him valuable skills, but frustration at the lack of advancement available for anyone outside the favored families drove him to the Rim in seach of better chances. From there, the lure of illegal transport quickly turned him into a smuggler. He spent a few years as a contract pilot, finally earning enough money to pay for his own ship. Though small, the Lambda class shuttle is well armed, and more importantly, can outrun Imperial customs ships. Its less than impressive cargo capacity is a minor concern in his favored business, high paying weapons smuggling. Years of hard earned experience have finally enabled him to get access to the best paying (and most dangerous) jobs. His current contract has brought him to an ex-Corulag rebel group with a cargo of stolen Imperial rifles. Now, while the rebel crews finish minor reparis to his ship, he waits for a new job.

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Gueldiar Bantal (Kethruch)


Human Scoundrel 3


STR: 8 (-1)

DEX: 10 (+0)

CON: 12 (+1)

INT: 16 (+3)

WIS: 14 (+2)

CHA: 16 (+3)


Vitality: 21

Wounds: 12


Attacks: +1 melee/+2 ranged


Saves: +1 fort, +2 ref, +2 will


Defense: 13



Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistols

Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapons

Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber




Starship Operation: Transport


Precise Atack +1 (1/round add +1 attack or damage for a dex based attack)

Illicit Barter: (+5 Diplomacy when buying/selling illegal goods)

Lucky 1/day (1/day reroll a failed d20 roll)





Astrogate: 6 (+9)

Pilot: 6 (+6)

Computer Use: 6 (+9)

Profession: Pilot 6 (+8)

Forgery: 6 (+9)

Diplomacy: 3 (+8)

Bluff: 6 (+9)

Sense Motive: 3 (+6)

Gather Information: 6 (+11)

Knowledge: Jedi/The Force 6 (+9)

Knowledge: Starships 6 (+9)

Listen: 6 (+8)

Search: 6 (+8)



Damaged Lightsaber: (2d8 damage, 19-20 critical, on attack roll of 1-4 shuts off for 1d10 rounds)

Blaster Pistol (3d6 damage, 20 critical, 10m range increment, DC 15 stun)

Mastercraft Datapad (+2 bonus)

Blast Vest (DR 2, +5 max dex bonus, -1 Armor Check Penalty)

1000 Credits



A veteran corporate pilot, Gueldiar Bantal has left an unusual history in his travels across the galaxy. While not a terrible pilot, he enjoys showing off with needlessly complicated stunts. None have ended in disaster yet, but very often he has discovered that the corporation no longer needs his services once his contract is up. More than once, only his considerable diplomatic skills have saved him from a much worse fate. Some of this is no doubt due to his faith in the force. Despite having zero real talent, he believes he is a powerful Jedi, and destined to return the Jedi to the galaxy... if only he could find a serious teacher.... He trusts in the force to help him with flying and negotiation, with sometimes unfortunate results.

Gueldiar prefers to avoid combat, and talk his way out of an ugly situation, but he can shoot a blaster if needed. And when all else fails, the lightsaber on his belt is more than just a symbol. Though old and a bit unreliable, the ancient weapon is still as powerful as ever.

Gueldiar is accompanied by his translator/labor droid. The droid has quite a few modifications, and has been a valuable ally when Gueldiar has ended up in trouble. In the weeks before the Habassan revolution, Gueldiar found himself stranded on Habassa between jobs. Though at first, his inability to find work seemed to be a bad sign, he would later look back on it as one of his greatest moments.

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Airen Tabanne (Peregrine)


Human Soldier 3


STR: 8 (-1)

DEX: 18 (+4)

CON: 12 (+1)

INT: 16 (+3)

WIS: 10 (+0)

CHA: 8 (-1)



Vitality: 28

Wounds: 12


Attacks: +2 melee/+7 ranged


Saves: +4 fort, +5 ref, +1 will


Defense: 18



Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistols

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifles

Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Vibro Weapons

Armor Proficiency: Light


Starship Operation: Transport

Precise Shot

Far Shot

Point Blank Shot

Rapid Shot



Astrogate: 6 (+9)

Pilot: 6 (+10)

Repair: 6 (+9)

Computer Use: 6 (+9)

Demolitions: 6 (+9)

Knowledge: Tactics: 6 (+9)

Hide: 3 (+7)

Spot: 3 (+3)




Habassan SR-850 Laser Rifle (3d10 damage, 18-20 critical, range increment 50 meters)

6x + Low Light Vision Scope

Heavy Slugthrower Pistol + Silencer (2d6+4 damage, 20 critical, range increment 10 meters, 8 shot clip, each shot/round after the first gives -1 attack penalty)

Extra Power Packs/Ammo

Blast Vest/Helmet (DR 2, +5 max dex bonus, -1 Armor Check Penalty)

8x Explosive Charges + Detonators/Timers (8d8 damage, 10 meter blast radius)



Exile's Path

2500 credits



Exile's Path


Class: Transport

Crew: 1 - 4

Passengers: 4

Cargo: 60 tons

Size: Small (35m)

Hyperdrive: x1 (backup x12)

Maneuver: +4

Initiative: +4

Defense: 21

Shields: 210

Hull: 85 (Damage Reduction: 5)

Max Speed: 10 squares


2x Heavy Laser Cannon: front arc, +8 attack, 7d10x2 damage

3x Double Laser Cannon: turret, +8 attack, 5d10x2 damage

8x Missile Launchers (4/rack): no weapons mounted

4x Point Defense Lasers: turret, +8 attack (automatic targeting only) 3d10x2, can only target missiles

Advanced Stealth System (+10 bonus to evade detection at over short range)




Little is known about Captain Airen Tabanne's past. The only son of a low-level Imperial official, he used his father's connections to get access to Imperial Navy training, and a position in the Corulag Defense Fleet. When the Empire cracked down on local protests, his parents were killed in the orbital bombardments. Tabanne was told it was the rebels who were responsible, but his intelligence network had already been established, and he soon discovered the truth. But he hid his knowledge for almost a year, and prepared his vengeance. In a devastating sneak attack, Tabanne, leading a local rebel group, stole a pair of corvettes from the Imperial repair yard and destroyed the station. Tabanne disappeared into hyperspace as his demolition charges destroyed all ships capable of pursuit.

For the next two years, Tabanne led a personal crusade against the Empire in the Outer Rim. While his limited forces prevented him from hitting the ideal coreward targets, he caused heavy damage to the lighter forces the Empire bothered to send to the Rim. A series of near-suicidal raids on Imperial shipyards gave him a true fleet, and he found no shortage of allies to help him.

Tabanne's efforts finally got results when a message arrived for one of his officers. Her homeworld of Habassa was fallling under the tightening grip of Imperial rule, but the local governor was far more tyranical than intelligent, and he had left himself open to revolution. But what they didn't have was the firepower to take advantage of it. Seeking a more effective base to operate from, Tabanne agreed to help, and disappeared to Habassa to prepare the revolution.

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