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Cutos to that. Whenever I run a campaign I'll start drafting the session outlines well in advance of the very first session, up to six months in fact.


I'm confident that the time he puts into preparation will help the storyline along fluidly, which will keep things interesting. The plague of this RPG forum is the dissipation of intriguing plot devices to keep players interesting. Hopefully Peregrine has solved that problem.


(almost makes me wish that flop last summer IRL could have worked, but hey when you loose two players it's hard to run a campaign)

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Of course I am. I won't kick anybody out (well, unless you do something against forum rules). But unless you're at least a decent player, you'll very quickly find death... of your own creation.
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givemeanameplease (Dr. Corbett)


Human Soldier 3


STR: 8 (-1)

DEX: 16 (+3)

CON: 12 (+1)

INT: 16 (+3)

WIS: 10 (+0)

CHA: 14 (+2)


Vitality: 21

Wounds: 12


Attacks: +2 melee/+6 ranged


Saves: +4 fort, +4 ref, +1 will


Defense: 17



Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistols

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifles

Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Vibro Weapons

Armor Proficiency: Light


Combat Expertise


Point Blank Shot

Rapid Shot

Weapon Focus (blaster carbine)



Skills: 48

Bluff: 3 (+5)

Computer Use: 6 (+9)

Diplomacy: 3 (+5)

Gather Information: 3 (+5)

Knowledge (Imperial Operations): 6 (+9)

Sense Motive: 3 (+5)





E-11 Rifle with 2x Scope (3d8 damage, multifire, 19-20 critical, range increment 30m)

Heavy Blaster Pistol (3d8 damage, 20 critical, range increment 8 meters,)

Extra Power Packs/Ammo

Imperial Uniform

Low-level Imperial Code Cylinder x3


8500 credits

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Walker (posted for Pack Rat)


STR: 14 (+2)

DEX: 18 (+4)

CON: 14 (+2)

INT: 10 (+0)

WIS: 10 (+0)

CHA: 8 (-1)


Vitality: 33

Wounds: 14


Attacks: +8 melee/+5 ranged

With Vibroaxe: +9 melee


Saves: +6 fort, +1 ref, +1 will


Defense: 16



Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistols

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifles

Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapons

Weapon Proficiency: Vibro Weapons

Armor Proficiency: Light


Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Flechette Launchers

Armor Proficiency: Medium


Point Blank Shot

Rapid Shot





Intimidate: 6 (+5)

Computer Use: 6 (+6)

Demolitions: 6 (+6)

Repair: 6 (+6)

Disable Device: 3 (+3)



Golan Arms FC21 Flechette Launcher (3d8, 4m burst (antipersonnel) or 6d8, 2m burst (antivehicle), 20m range increment, 20 critical)

E-11 Rifle (3d8 damage, multifire, 19-20 critical, range increment 30m)

Grenade Launcher for E-11 Rifle (range increment 30m, 4 shots/reload (full round to reload))

Vibrobayonet for E-11 Rifle (2d4+2 damage, 20 critical)

10x Frag Grenade (4d6+1 damage (splash), 20 critical, 4m blast radius)

50x Antipersonnel Flechette Ammo

15x Antivehicle Flechette Ammo

Padded Battle Armor (damage reduction 4, max dex bonus +3, armor check penalty -4)

Box of Explosive Ammo/Grenades

2000 Credits



Happy family man, farmer and a very happy man... till the empire came along. Wife and kids murdered by imperial stormtroopers. farm burned. Nothing left he became a mercenary by the name of Walker. A bitter person who only cares for money and the never-ending quest to avenge the death of his wife and children.

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I'm David Corbett, by the way.


I was an Imperial officer (Lieutenant, by the cylindres and the $$$) who worked at his job faithfully. Tall and somewhat skinny, I was never a strong man, but I could convince people to join my side often enough with my intellectual arguments. I was never the wisest man, and not amazingly tough, but I did my job well and served faithfully.


However, I discovered something one day -- a glitterstim smuggling network -- and reported it. Unfortunately, I had neglected to check to discover who the head was. My boss, the ringleader, sent *me* to Kessel. However, the prison vessel I was on was intercepted by the Rebellion and I was freed, renouncing my loyalty to the Empire.


While I am against the Empire, I am for its general system -- the idealized kind I was taught in the Academy -- , and this may cause some problems with my group.

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Ok, looks like we're ready to start. Spring break's this weekend and the next week, so I'll hold the starting post for a bit so I don't get caught with no updates for a week right at the beginning. But at absolute latest, start date is the 15th.
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That doesn't suit me...at all. I'm going to be in NYC for spring break. I'm leaving the 13th and won't have access to a computer until the 20th at the earliest.


Just thought I'd let everyone know in case you all are wondering why I won't be posting.

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