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Star Wars d20 RPG


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Been reading this a little, seems to remind me of knights of the old republic ALOT but with more stuff in it, having played that game but not any other d20 rpg's that should at least help me a little.

KOTOR = Star Wars d20 with all the interesting rules removed. It'll help a bit, but the real game is very different.

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Yes, exactly. This is the beginning of what I hope to be a very long-term campaign. I might be willing to hold the restart post for a couple more days if you are serious about joining and have an interesting character idea.


Post your general character idea here as soon as possible. Keep in mind that we have a full party and therefore "mercenary with blaster rifle" is not something that's going to interest me much.

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Well i was thinking maybe i could be the contact that the rebels have to meet on the planet, who is basically a stealth character who is good with blaster pistols and vibro daggers(if they exist, if not, swords) and using light armor, good with computers, sneaking/stealth, speechcraft, ect. I believe thats the rouge class right? I ordered my core rulebook on friday and should be here on saturday or so.
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Well i was thinking maybe i could be the contact that the rebels have to meet on the planet


No. All characters outside the party are NPCs played as I want them to be.



Other than that, the idea looks like it could work (even if it's a bit broadly defined). What is more important to me is the personality, history, etc that make a character. Without that, I'm not going to add you. Consider the level of detail posted for the other characters an absolute minimum.



I ordered my core rulebook on friday and should be here on saturday or so.


So you want me to wait another week to start? This character of yours had better be the most amazing thing I've ever seen (and have a history/personality posted a lot sooner than that) or you're going to have to take your chances with getting added later.

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Here is my modified post with my stats


Fenn Thri'Sil

lvl3 Bothan Male,Scoundrel










Vitallity: 15

Wounds: 11


Attacks: +1 melee/+6 ranged


Saves:+2 Fort, +7 Ref, +0 Wis


Defense: 17



Weapon Proficiency:Blaster Pistols

Weapon Proficiency:Simple weapons

Weapon Proficiency:Vibro Weapons

Armor Proficiency:Light

Point Blank Shot

Precise Shot


Illicit Barter: (+5 Diplomacy when buying/selling illegal goods)

Lucky 1/day (1/day reroll a failed d20 roll)

Precise Atack +1 (1/round add +1 attack or damage for a dex based attack)



Gather Information:6(+10)



Move Silently:6(+10)

Disable Device:6(+8)



Computer Use:6(+8)

Escape Artist:4(+8)

Spot: 0 (+1)



Mastercraft Heavy Blaster Pistol(3d8+2 Damage,Critical 20, Stun DC 18)

Vibro dagger(2d4, Critical 20)

3x Stun Grenade (stun damage (dc 15 direct hit, 12 splash damage), 4m blast

Blast Helmet,Vest(damage reduction 2,max dex bonus +5,armor check penalty -1)

All-Tempurature Cloak(+2 Fortitude saves)

Mastercraft Datapad(+1)

2500 credits.



Thri'Sil was born and raised on his homeplanet Bothawui. He lived a happy and normal life, even after his father, Varesk Thri'Sil, left to fight with the alliance while he was still at a very early age. But one day, An official Alliance courrier had delieved a letter stating that his father had died in service of the Alliance to the hands of the Imperials. He knew that if his father would give his life to the Alliance he knew that these rebels were worth fighting with, not to mention that inside him the desire for revenge and vindication burned. He took up his father's pistol and practiced with it every day, honing his skills for combat. And trained his stealth and cunning by, since he was still young, doing trivial things such as sneaking by his mother to get snacks, or simply convincing her to let him have one. When he was finally old enough he set out to join the Alliance. However, on his way there, he stopped on a planet called Habassa. He had found out that there was an underground resistance there, fighting against imperials. While trying to gather information by slicing through a computer, he was caught. But instead of a sentance to prison he found that he had had an invatation to be recruited offered to him. Naturally, he couldn't refuse, he wanted to help free this galaxy from the iron grip of the empire even in the distant rim worlds. He had served with the rebels doing various recon missions for about 1 and a half years or so. From this day he still carries his fathers blaster as a momento of his dad.


I hope these stats are accurate as this my first time making them so i hope they aren't to bad or over good.. BTW those are Official Bothan names, Fenn Thri'Sil means Nimble Commander of the Osil Clan. The stats are mostly up to you those are just some ideas.

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Ok, I get the point of the character, but your stats are completely off. I think I can make something close myself, or you can take your chances at joining later whenever you get a rulebook.
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