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Star Wars d20 RPG


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i got my rulebok a bit early so i guess i can try to give myself my own stats, but hey i need to learn, so i need to fail to learn, or something like that. Chec kmy stats above, they have been edited




Double post asking about dice.

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All die rolls will be done by me. As for your character, it looks fine, except for two minor things which I have now corrected: Your fortitude save was too low (+1 base and +1 con) and your Bothan species bonus is to Spot not Search.
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i may come in later but i tend to go offline for a LONG time like when every1 got mad that i wasnt responding in the tavern even tho most of the time it was just covenant saying he was aiming his bow at me thinking a was evil....and kept thinking i was a girl even tho i said i was a guy and my sig. says im a guy.


anyways...im a maybe.

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Ok, let me get this right: no character posted, no knowledge of the rules, you can't promise to post regularly, and you want me to let you in?


You aren't a "maybe". You're a "hell no".


Change the above statements and you might get a different answer.

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Ok, signup is closed once again, and unless something really unexpected happens, expect the game to resume monday evening.



I'm leaving this thread open for questions/character edits, but consider it closed if you have not already signed up.


Also, all of the new players need to contact me on AIM (download it if you don't have it, you're going to need it) before then so I can make sure all of you are clear on how you are entering the game.

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