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An, madman, speisen ze Duetsch?

That would translate to: "do you eat german?" Well, yes i do =)


Rippchen mit Kraut is actually quite tasty. "Sauerkraut" which translates to "Sour cabbage", is basically very finely sliced fermented Cabbage. Dont eat that Machine made crap, eat "real" Sauerkraut. Machine made Food tastes quite boring, regardless if its supposed to taste like something german, japanese, chinese, italien, french, indian, thai, you'll get my Idea.


Try German Food :D


We have 1683 types of sausage. There might be one or two types for your Taste =)


There are 1300 Breweries in Germany. We are therefore on the second Place in the World. The U.S. has 1500 Breweries. Well, 280 000 000 US Citizens against 80 000 000 German Citizens. Pah, cheaters! :P


We Germans dont drink very much Beer though. We are being beaten by the Czech and the Irish...

All my fault, i dont drink beer :/


We do have the oldest Brewery in the World, brewing since 1040.



We wacky Germans enjoy strong Coffee. Well, i have to say that the Austrian Coffee tastes quite a bit better...


And here is something for those who love their Cars:

There is no speed Limit on German Highways. Well, unless there is some threat ahead, like an construction site, an Intersection, a tunnel or something.


A Former Boss of mine once ranted about slow Ass Drivers: "You cant enjoy 300 Kilometers per hour(around 200 miles) when BMWs and Benzes are standing around there with 250!"


Well, those Speeds are not "common", even in Germany :D



We do have a quite long Raceway, which was build by Volkswagen and is used to test out ridiculously fast Cars:D




Oops! Sorry! I don't speak it myself, but I know a bit (like "Where is the bathroom" and "Do you speak German?" And now, "Do you eat German?" :P )


P.S. I love Sauerkraut and sausage. I'm 1/4 German myself! :D

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ACHTUNG!! Mein lederhosen ist im der bliestiftspitzer!! Most everything else I probably shouldn't repeat. ;)


But, I'm a sucker for good bratwurst and sauerkraut. Especially with spicy mustard. I never could bring myself to try blutwurst though. Just too, weird for me I think. I know, weak American stomach ;)

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I like this thread.


ACHTUNG!! Mein lederhosen ist im der bliestiftspitzer!!


LOL ^^ Now Thats a problem ^^


madman123456, findest du wirklich wir als Volk trinken wenig bier? Gibt doch Alkis genug im Land^^

Die bayrischen Humpen sind doch schon aufs Kampfsaufen ausgelegt =)


Aber weisste was, bevor ich damals erfahren hatte das man die Deutschen "Krauts" nannte, hatte ich das Zeug selber noch nie probiert ^^

Inzwischen, mit bisschen gutem Püree dabei gern ..... :rolleyes:

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:whistling: ¯à说¤¤¤åªº¤£¡H¬Ý¤F¥b¤Ñ¡A还¬O¤£会¤UMOD..´d«s

¬°¤°»ò¤U¤£¤F©O? ­n¤U­þ­Ó mod §r?


BTW, those who don't speak Chinese, the TC said "Anyone speak Chinese? I can't download mods no matter what. Sadness"


(my msg reads "why not? Which mod are you getting?")

Wow, I feel like an idiot now. Trying to write in Japanese to communicate with someone Chinese. I guess I should have been tipped off by the character structure and arrangement, not just the charcters. I blame it on the lack of sleep I've been having lately. I apoligize for the assumption.


Sorry for saying that, but it was the funniest thing to me while I read this thread.


**뭐, 다운로드에 특별히 불만은 없지만, 무료서버가 제법 느리군요..(그것도 제한속도보다 많이)

- In English: Well, I don't have much complain for downloading things from here, but seems free servers are too slow to me(they're almost always much slower than speed limit).

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Make mine a currywurst, with a glass of Romer Pils. Or perhaps a glass of Weisherbst!


Blutwurst FTW, it is the thought that you find repulsive....the taste is divine.


Not spicy mustard, you want "Feuersenf" !

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«ç¼Ë? ¤Ó¦YÅå¤F¬O§a? LOL


¾Ç·|¤U¸ü Mod ¤F¶Ü

Is garbled, can not see :ohmy:

測試 一二三




I'm using big5, not unicode.


耶? Unicode 不會變亂碼? 看得到嗎?

wow~~看到了~~ :thumbsup:

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An, madman, speisen ze Duetsch?

That would translate to: "do you eat german?" Well, yes i do =)


Rippchen mit Kraut is actually quite tasty. "Sauerkraut" which translates to "Sour cabbage", is basically very finely sliced fermented Cabbage. Dont eat that Machine made crap, eat "real" Sauerkraut. Machine made Food tastes quite boring, regardless if its supposed to taste like something german, japanese, chinese, italien, french, indian, thai, you'll get my Idea.


Try German Food :D


We have 1683 types of sausage. There might be one or two types for your Taste =)


There are 1300 Breweries in Germany. We are therefore on the second Place in the World. The U.S. has 1500 Breweries. Well, 280 000 000 US Citizens against 80 000 000 German Citizens. Pah, cheaters! :P


We Germans dont drink very much Beer though. We are being beaten by the Czech and the Irish...

All my fault, i dont drink beer :/


We do have the oldest Brewery in the World, brewing since 1040.



We wacky Germans enjoy strong Coffee. Well, i have to say that the Austrian Coffee tastes quite a bit better...


And here is something for those who love their Cars:

There is no speed Limit on German Highways. Well, unless there is some threat ahead, like an construction site, an Intersection, a tunnel or something.


A Former Boss of mine once ranted about slow Ass Drivers: "You cant enjoy 300 Kilometers per hour(around 200 miles) when BMWs and Benzes are standing around there with 250!"


Well, those Speeds are not "common", even in Germany :D



We do have a quite long Raceway, which was build by Volkswagen and is used to test out ridiculously fast Cars:D




You have the opportunity to go to enjoy the Chinese food or erguotou(二锅头) haha~ ;)

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Oh my! This topic has gone off-topic eh?


I am a chinese myself but I can't speak Chinese because I was born on different country and most people there doesn't speak chinese so yeah, you guessed it.

I can speak some chinese dialect though from my parents... Anyway, regarding on the problematic download...

Maybe the network forbid any downloads, try consulting with the network provider. I also can't download anything with *.exe or *.mp3 when I'm at my university but of course there are always ways to break that through. Hehehe...

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ACHTUNG!! Mein lederhosen ist im der bliestiftspitzer!!


First Question would be: How did you get your Pants in there? :blink:

You may want to buy new Pants or use up some Repairhammers :D


The Name "Blutwurst" is quite repulsive, it translates to "Bloodsausage"...

A German Company had this "great" Idea confusing their customers by mislabeling this product. "Blutwurst" is now sold as "Fleischrotwurst" (Meat Red Sausage, or Red Meat Sausage if you will).


well, back to the Topic for once :biggrin:


I'll have to assume that is something that prevents Files with certain filetypes from being downloaded. If so, there is not very much you can do about it, except for going to the Administrator there and saying pretty pretty please =)

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