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Can't finish Proving Honor


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Within the last 6 or 7 days people have been starting to get all sorts of NavMesh problems. If you have any mods that alter something in a town (skyforge plus-whiterun, and the child adoption mod-riften) you'll get navmesh errors depending on the mod.

I've had it all over my game though. What i did was get rid of all unofficial .bsa files from my data folder and got the "loose files" alternatives if there were any. I was told that having a lot of clutter in your data folder can mess up the nav mesh.


The bad news though, unless it's a mod directly screwing up the nav mesh, you're going to have to create a new character. Don't load that save just before you make your character either just make a new game entirely (unless its a save with zero mods installed).


Before doing that all that though, disable all your mods to see if that fixes it and then just try to figure out which mod is causing the trouble. If disabling all the mods doesn't work, it might be the clutter in your data folder.

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  • 7 months later...
In case anyone hits on this issue, I did find that two mods, one is Skyforge Scaled Armor (26906) and the other is Skyforge Weapons (22742), caused this issue with me. As soon as I disabled them the Quest finished without a hitch. Hope this helps . I am going to reactivate them after I finish the Companions Quest, hopefully I won't have anymore issues. I really like the Scaled Armor mod.
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I've a similar but slightly different problem.


Vilkas doesn't acknowledge me at all. I've completed all of Aela's Totem quests and purified Farkas but every time I try to interact with Vilkas it makes that dull thud noise, no dialogue options or anything.


Not sure what I've done to make him treat me like this tbf.


Mod I have installed:




Any help gratefully appreciated.



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I used "setstage cr13 100" in the console to complete Vilkas' Purity.


I think you need to have a witch's head in your inventory to do so (not sure) but it sorted it and meant I could go back to Ysgramr's tomb and cure myself of being a werewolf too.


Can't believe this is still so buggy after all this time.

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  • 1 year later...

O...kay, so apparently the mod "Skyforge Plus" interfered with the proper ceremony procession. Deleting it from the data folder resulted in the ceremony going on as it was supposed to be. Weird.

Looking at the mod it seemed to have messed with the NavMesh, along with what looked like a lot of pointless clutter in the .esp structure. Maybe that caused the NPCs to hiccup.

Thank you so much. THIS was exactly my problem as well, As well as solution =) Got up to Vilkas, he says follow me, but doesn't move... You can tell it will happen when he is NOT standing in the center of the stairs. (he was off to the left side for me) Exited to desktop, turned off the skyforge plus, reloaded as I came into Whiterun, (just to make sure he loaded without me in his face) And when I got there, he was standing in the middle, Voila, he actually walked his happy butt to where he needed to go. I am fully convinced that silly smelter against the wall messes with his pathing.

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  • 11 months later...

I wanted to confirm that my "Proving Honor" quest was not working either. I had fast traveled to Whiterun after the Dustman's Cairn and nothing was happening. I then left Whiterun and entered using the gates and the quest completed properly. Hope this works for others.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Just had this issue today, found a very easy solution for it if anyone else finds this like I did and it's of no help.


Assuming Farkas didn't follow you back into Whiterun (he just sorta poofed during the way back for me)

and you're going into the circle without him and getting stuck, here's what you do:


1. Trigger the bit where you follow Skjor around back

2. Don't go up to the circle

3. Open console

4. Enter "prid 0001A693"
5. Enter "moveto player"
6. Watch Farkas magically appear next to you
7. Wait for him to realize he needs to be in the circle
8. Once he's in the circle walk on up as intended
9. Quest completes normally
On a new/different play-through, I watched him very closely walking back to Whiterun, and it appears he stops along the way to watch a non-existent brawl, and will stay that way unless you talk to him.
If you talk to him he'll realize there's actually nothing going on and happily follow you back to Whiterun, at which point everything is normal.
Edited by Falingrave
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