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A mod that makes Ingots from Armor pieces? (Newbie here)


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I'm not sure about leather recovery, but look for Ars Metallica by Arthmoor (author of the unofficial patches.) It allows you to break down armors and recover ingots, while also increasing your smithing skill.


On a semi-related note, there are two other very good mods, one being Honed Metal and the other being Order My Items. Honed metal allows you to pay a blacksmith to improve your weapons and armor for you, and to pay an enchanter to enchant items. Order My Items allows you to ask various merchants to obtain things for you, after which you'll get a message that your items are ready for pickup.


I see you on both the Skyrim and SSE forums, so assuming you're modding both, I know Ars Metallica is available for both, but I believe Honed and Order are only available for old Skyrim.

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I'm not sure about leather recovery, but look for Ars Metallica by Arthmoor (author of the unofficial patches.) It allows you to break down armors and recover ingots, while also increasing your smithing skill.


On a semi-related note, there are two other very good mods, one being Honed Metal and the other being Order My Items. Honed metal allows you to pay a blacksmith to improve your weapons and armor for you, and to pay an enchanter to enchant items. Order My Items allows you to ask various merchants to obtain things for you, after which you'll get a message that your items are ready for pickup.


I see you on both the Skyrim and SSE forums, so assuming you're modding both, I know Ars Metallica is available for both, but I believe Honed and Order are only available for old Skyrim


wow ! .. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

im very thankful for this informations ( Honed Metals and Order My Items) ... thank you so much .. haha


umm.. SSE is Skyrim Special Edition, right? ... i dont have that .. maybe i posted on a wrong thread. I shud check it so i can delete it...

i only have Skyrim Legendary Edition... and i currently have 110 active mods on my NMM ... its just really hard to find mods that i exactly want - watching youtube videos and browsing through NMM website.


thank you !! :laugh:

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