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Installing various mods manually?


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Most of the time, it's just a case of opening up the archive with 7zip, and extracting/drag&dropping/copy/pasting into your /data folder.

Some larger mods have different options in different sub folders, so you'd have to use a bit of common sense for those to figure out what you should install, as not every mod author includes instructions for installing manually.


My main problem is putting two files of the same name together?

Can you expand on this? What mods? Are you actually talking about files, or about archives?

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what prioority should i use when i install- it is just main that i dont know priority of them. what i can ovveride or not.

Cbbe body

bodyslide and outfit studio


netmelrs ovveride

high heels system

HDT bounce and jiggle CBBE

Forse new Idles

Realistic ragdolss and force

race menu-


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