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Why do so many people want to play as anime-esque characters on Skyrin


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I find it puzzling that so many people choose to mod their characters to make them look anime-esque.


Each to their own, I'm certainly not criticizing people's actual freedom to choose how they wish to play their game, I'm simply curious as to why anime looking characters are so popular when Skyrim and TES in general are so drastically different in tone and structure from anime.


I'm not sure if androgynous men in billowy white cloaks and rabid frost trolls were ever meant to meet.....


Surely people are missing the point? Let me reiterate that I am not questioning the concept of freedom of choice just the merits of one particular style of playing.

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I'v never tried to play as them, i tend to stay away from them as it's too far from the lore and makes me feel like i'm playing something weird o_O


same thing goes for people who want to play younger characters, i mean in the teenager area, i prefer to play somewhat older looking, i myself am 22 years old, but i prefer to make my characters around 30ish maybe give or take a few years.


to each is their own i guess.

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Serious reply for the OP:


a) you like anime


b) you like jrpg's


c) you dont like either but think they look cool/cute



Aside from having my chars looking pretty, I like cool fantasy looking armors. if people want to classify them as animeish, thats their choice.


Is using a katana anime'ish? Cuz I use masamune on my 2h warrior as its a badass looking katana (real katana = 2h, so its a diakatana in tes lore) with a sheath on your back. Also dragonbone weapons has 1h and 2h katana, and they are also damn cool.


I also love the triss armor, eisen platte armor, dynasty armor, and various armors based on tera online. Killerkeo has some fantastic armor meshes too, like shoulderless dragonscale and glass, and his dbarmor with the purple glossy texture (I use his whole pack, with various other mods textures, then other armors as standalone). Love calientes CBBE body, on either lightest weight (or slim when more slim armors come out).

I like skinny girls with normal sized/smaller chest (irl too...), either way can be called animeish or not.

The end result some people consider animeish, or breaking lore, I just think it looks 100x better than vanilla skyrim. I guess liking smooth light skin and big pretty eyes means you like them anime style.

I don't use any child races or anything like that so I can't comment to that, I think Oriental Beauties faces mod is the best looking skyrim faces so far. Though some of the armors that come with a mask that turn you into a little loli are damn cute :)


I do not use mods that make the game easier, only harder or balance fixes. I use all the weapons and armor fixes, smithing perk fixes, balanced magic, and various other fan fixes, and play on expert. The most OP thing Id say I use is dragonbone weapons, they are like 2-5% stronger than daedric, but cost a dragon heart (25% chance to drop from dragons iirc) and lots of bones/scales to craft so Id say its worth it and should have been there in vanilla anyway.


I also do not perk smithing and enchanting together, either one or the other as 2 together is op. And I dont use pots for much other than health/mana/stam replenishing, or for poison on an assin rp char. I do not use % smithing/enchanting/alch buffs as they are just too op, nor do I use any of those alchemy+smithing/enchanting cheats.


Easy game = boring. I usually dont die much but I find the game more fun with a cute companion/wife along for the ride. Their comments are so cute with the japanese voices. Shi-ne, dragon! Ara? Ayaaaaggh!


I do love anime and manga, has little to do with how I like my skyrim though. I mean Ill try anything if I think it looks cool.


Oh to people like the op, anime and erotic are not intrinsically related, at all.... But theres nothing wrong with eromods as the body mods and skimpy armor mods are the most popular on nexus usually, none of which have anything to do with anime btw. I don't personally care that the body mods are nude or not, I use them because they look great in armor/clothes. Of course I'm one of those guys that thinks sexy clothes/skirts/stockings/boots ect are sexier than just being naked or overly skimpy with everything hanging out. IRL too ofc. WTB cosplay/maid cafe's in the US tyvm.


Some people here will call anything anime-ish. Its such a broad and subjective term I dont like it nor use it. I love mods and mod authors who spend their time creating things. No matter what they make, someone somewhere is going to like it and use it. I appreciate the diversity and creativity that the modding community offers. The only thing I hate is people who disrespect and bash other peoples creations because they do not fit their tastes.

Edited by Malakai88
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