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Why do so many people want to play as anime-esque characters on Skyrin


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I actually kinda have a good laugh when 3 of the 5 files of the month are nude mods, or stuff that is way beyond "lore friendly". "Heh, cool, xxxx made it to the top 5"


But thats it, its not like im pissed because my super duper favorite mod of all times has to share the same space as those mods. Hell, its 90% guaranteed that every file of the month is, at its bare minimum, a good work. Of modeling, of texturing, of creativity, etc. Yeah, i might not share the direction those qualities are being pointed at in those mods, but i didnt make them, so that isnt my call, it never was, and never will be until i myself start making such content, and only then i'll have a say about whats get in or not.


If you like it download it if you dont move along. Better let the mod authors worry about the content they create, and the users worry about what they will download or what they wont.

Edited by eltucu
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I guess there should be a place where one can voice their opinion. But not when it becomes an rant with no added value & beating a death horse. Be warned from several developments and future projects on the nexus. On any mod post or let's say Anime or any other content. Keep your hate to yourself & move along TY!



You certainly sidestepped that landmine....

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Most of the hate in the thread seems to be coming from the anime guys tbh. If they actually read the OP one would think they would know the direction of the thread.


Sadly not though. Best defence is an offence and away they go, misinformed, misdirected and unrelenting.

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all threads questioning mod uses should be deleted from the forums on a regular basis, simply asking the question "why?" seems to be like firing a machinegun into a crowd, youll surely hit something and then youve got a a riot of angry posts and regrettable word choices. Edited by Capomafioso
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all threads questioning mod uses should be deleted from the forums on a regular basis, simply asking the question "why?" seems to be like firing a machinegun into a crowd, youll surely hit something and then youve got a a riot of angry posts and regrettable word choices.


Internet forums despite their design are not for people to hear other people's opinions. People don't want to hear other people's opinions. They just want to attack and ridicule people who don't share their own.


Just look at how many people have attacked the OP simply for asking a question

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The simple answer is because a lot of people don't give a damn about the theme of skyrim.


It's a huge, open-ended sandbox game. And THAT's what people want. The fact that it comes with a grimdark european fantasy theme is good news to some, and an annoyance for others.


Those who are playing anime related things would no doubt not play skyrim as much, if there was an existing anime-esque game that was similar in scope, detail, and quality, to skyrim. As far as i'm aware there isn't, and maybe there never will be. So modding skyrim is the closest we get


In short, skyrim is an awesome base for stuff. And that's why people will mod it into what they want, instead of playing a more appropriate, but inferior game.

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Those who are playing anime related things would no doubt not play skyrim as much, if there was an existing anime-esque game that was similar in scope, detail, and quality, to skyrim. As far as i'm aware there isn't, and maybe there never will be. So modding skyrim is the closest we get


Thats not right, i use some anime content (skeleton, armor, weapons hairstyles etc) but i had finished the game at least one time (more than 300 hour of game) and i am in my second playtrough (more than 100 hour game)

Edited by yota71
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Excuse me?

Is your aim just to troll around? This is not the first time I have seen your post in this thread & other threads as if you (you're) looking for a fight...

Have you actually read the beginning of my post?

Anyway this is the last time I reply to your comments unless it's relevant.


And to the rest as somebody mention that they wish there was a filter tools. They exist it's called tagging please use it ty!



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I was going to slog through the three #@%!#&! pages of this tripe, but the last few comments proved there is nothing here worth saving.


Why don't the self-righteous and self-absorbed grow up and realize that the world is full of individuals with individual tastes that are shaped and influenced by earlier enjoyed experiences. You are only the authority on your own personal taste, so stop attempting to dictate what everyone else should like. Get over it and let it go.

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