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Why do so many people want to play as anime-esque characters on Skyrin


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You honestly want the guy banned for asking a question about a subject that has been brought up before on the forums? Really?! Asking the mods to ban someone is a serious thing.


If you read the forums regularly, you'd realize that the same topics, questions and help requests have a tendency to be raised rather regularly. Half the people who have started topics in the Mod Talk forum since the CK was released would have to be banned if your standard was implemented, since they ask the same questions that others already have broached. Or should this standard only be implemented in threads where anime is discussed?

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Because they're idiots. I love anime but in TES games? Ridiculous


User has been issued two strikes for posting a rude comment/flame-baiting.

You are perfectly entitled to dislike something, but you are definitely not entitled insult everybody else who likes that something.



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I like the anime art style; everyone has their own personal preferences in art and anime is a part of mine. However, when does it really become "anime-ish"? That is something up to each person to decide for themselves (for the most part); I wouldn't say using something like a sword from an anime to be considered "anime-ish" as it is just the weapon; equipment can be obtained with various source material in mind; in essence, is there really a difference between a mod that adds Anduril from The Lord of the Rings and a mod that adds Excalibur from Fate/Stay Night? They are both swords; sure they are made with different art styles in mind, but aren't most mods made with different styles? Aren't most pieces of art made in different styles?


Mods are there to allow use to tweak the game to our personal preference; this is an undeniable truth.


We mod because we are not fully satisfied with the game, we mod because we feel that there could be more, we mod because it is another form of expression, and, most importantly, we mod because we find it enjoyable.

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I love mods and mod authors who spend their time creating things. No matter what they make, someone somewhere is going to like it and use it. I appreciate the diversity and creativity that the modding community offers. The only thing I hate is people who disrespect and bash other peoples creations because they do not fit their tastes


What Malakai88 said.


I don't download and use mods because they conform to some rule about how Skyrim is supposed to look or be played. I download and use mods that work, do what the modder says they do, have something I like when playing the game and look great in game. If it makes my character or my companions look like an anime character - so what? Its a stupid game that I play to relax and enjoy.


Surely people are missing the point?


Just as you have asked, I am asking you why is it you think someone using some mod is "missing the point"? Exactly what is the point of Skyrim? I ask, because really, Skyrim has no point as far as I can see and apparently you know what the point is, and I'd appreciate being enlightened.


I'd really like to know where the rules are about this game and how it is supposed to be played because as hard as I look I cannot find any rules that say Skyrim must be played in a certain, specific way using mods that meet a specific set of criteria.


I am also confused by why anyone is concerned about the way I play (or anyone else plays) the game or the mods used because what people do in their game has no effect on anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

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I love mods and mod authors who spend their time creating things. No matter what they make, someone somewhere is going to like it and use it. I appreciate the diversity and creativity that the modding community offers. The only thing I hate is people who disrespect and bash other peoples creations because they do not fit their tastes


What Malakai88 said.


I don't download and use mods because they conform to some rule about how Skyrim is supposed to look or be played. I download and use mods that work, do what the modder says they do, have something I like when playing the game and look great in game. If it makes my character or my companions look like an anime character - so what? Its a stupid game that I play to relax and enjoy.


Surely people are missing the point?


Just as you have asked, I am asking you why is it you think someone using some mod is "missing the point"? Exactly what is the point of Skyrim? I ask, because really, Skyrim has no point as far as I can see and apparently you know what the point is, and I'd appreciate being enlightened.




People are free to do as they please, that's just a truism. I don't want to stop people doing as they wish nor could I ever do so. I do however think it is perfectly acceptable to scrutinise people's perceptions and opinions purely because it makes for an interesting exchange. I have a fairly concrete idea of what Skyrim means to me so I am genuinely interested in what people who have polar opposite views have to say for themselves.


In regards to the "missing the point" quote. I think it's pretty obvious that a lot of time, money and effort went into making Skyrim conform to a very deliberate tone and setting. To me, it seems that many people are missing the direct appeal of this specific setting. I do think that games like Skyrim are some of the very few examples of games transcending just pure entertainment, and mods that drastically break the game's continuity or context are in my opinion detrimental in that they just s*** all over a very precariously crafted world with little or no regard for the actual intent of the game.


For example, say in the future some hyper advanced editing software is released that provides almost anyone the ability to seamlessly splice characters from one film into another and someone ends up putting Hellboy in 2001: A Space Odyssey battling HAL 9000 with an explosive crossbow. They are welcome to do so, but why would they ever do that? The meaning and sophistication of 2001 would be totally lost on the viewer and it would be an awkward collection of disjointed scenes that would detract from the original appeal of both films. I'm sure the guy that came up with the idea of pitting Hellboy and HAL 9000 against each is enthralled by the sight of a giant demon in a leather trenchcoat beating the s*** out of an inanimate black panel on a spacecraft but I think you could make a very reasoned argument that he is entirely missing the point.

Edited by apecallum
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I find it puzzling that so many people choose to mod their characters to make them look anime-esque.


Each to their own, I'm certainly not criticizing people's actual freedom to choose how they wish to play their game, I'm simply curious as to why anime looking characters are so popular when Skyrim and TES in general are so drastically different in tone and structure from anime.


I'm not sure if androgynous men in billowy white cloaks and rabid frost trolls were ever meant to meet.....


Surely people are missing the point? Let me reiterate that I am not questioning the concept of freedom of choice just the merits of one particular style of playing.


Because that is what they are interested in. It's why I have mods that make my game drastically harder, but I have a girl char with an OP blacksmithed Deadric bow running around in a legendary skimpy fur outfit... Its what I am into... you know, on the weekends. :P


I also like Star Wars, the minute someone creates a lightsaber for Skyrim it is ON LIKE M*F* DONKEY KONG!!!! Then I am gonna run around with the UNP leah outfit on and a lightsaber... on the weekends.


Edit: Just did a search, found a lightsaber mod. Read above.

Edited by DeathByCactus
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I love the diversity modding brought to tes games, i also like anime...i dont care about lore or anything, if i feel interested in a mod i simply download it, noone is being force to download mods they dont like, everything is optional.


Some people live in delusion that their opinions are some general truth or something and more importantly that they matter...they not.

These people should be just ignored as their selfish behavior isnt really needed or appreciated, whats worse they attack mod authors, making them feel badly or kill their enthusiam to modding, not everyone is able to shake off bashing.


There is difference, when someone points out in a sensible way the negatives of a mod, but still encourages the author, then simply say "this sucks" "this has nothing to do with the game" etc.


I really hope some of these people come to their senses.

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Same reason you download the mods you do.


Because we like them, it's that simple. The misconception is that all anime mod users download mods to get big boobs, giant ass swords, etc.


Some do, but it's a stupid generalization to assume that all do. I remember getting flamed for liking anime mods and they just assumed I downloaded mods with H-cup breasts and swords that were bigger than the user, even though I share the same resentment of all the porn mods that increased breast size to the point where the character couldn't walk.


Anime mods are stereotyped horridly, pure and simple.

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