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Why do so many people want to play as anime-esque characters on Skyrin


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I think the question I'd like the answer to most is: If you want to play an anime type character, why not go play another anime-styled game? (Where that character fits, and the world/lore compliments it.)


Not that it matters to me. I mean, as many others have said, I don't care how anyone plays their game. It's your game, do what you want. But I guess, like others have said also, it does get annoying having to sift through all the anime mods to find the ones I'm looking for.

Edited by johndenver26
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I think the question I'd like the answer to most is: If you want to play an anime type character, why not go play another anime-styled game? (Where that character fits, and the world/lore compliments it.)


Not that it matters to me. I mean, as many others have said, I don't care how anyone plays their game. It's your game, do what you want. But I guess, like others have said also, it does get annoying having to sift through all the anime mods to find the ones I'm looking for.


Because there isn't an "anime styled" game equivalent to the TES games? And what about the people who are looking for "anime" mods? Should they be upset that they have to sift through the stuff they don't want? Or hell, isn't the very concept of searching for a mod "sifting through things you don't want, until you find what you want?"


Also, and this may blow people's minds, but quite a few of the anime-styled mods originated from...Japanese modders! Amazing, isn't it?

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Each to their own. This type of thing is why Skyrim should never be made into an MMO.


I personally won't even wear a piece of armour if it is slightly too bright or too dark and doesn't fit in standing next to the townsfolk. I find the game to be quite disappointing once the immersion is taken away

Edited by worldofscotty
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I, personally HATE the anime mods and never used or will use them. Even more, I HATE seeing that some anime mods have more downloads, endorsements and views than some very nice quality, well made and most importantly, LORE-friendly armor.


BUT I am on the side of "To each his own", and I do not tell people to stop making or using them, I just shake my head and sigh...

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And the "anime" hate trolls, bandwagon rolls in full force. It was so relaxing for days no hate towards anime on the forums...

Maybe they got the message or *gasp* they grew up and acting mature! Guess I expected too much...

Way too many people generalize "anime" as if it's all about P0rn. It's like saying all Hollywood movies are p0rn and all comics book are sexist & p0rn with no content!

Now if they said the p0rn industry is all about P0rn I would totally agree!


Their are also mods I don't like... But you won't see me act as an immature child on every mod I don't like. I just move along its very easy...


For example the amount of "Star wars" content on Skyrim & oblivion. You're not going to sell it to me its lore friendly & offer other stuff... But surprising no moaning no groaning what so ever hmmm I wonder why. As other none Lore content like "halo", "300 like theme & variations" and the list goes on and on.


I guess there should be a place where one can voice their opinion. But not when it becomes an rant with no added value & beating a death horse. Be warned from several developments and future projects on the nexus. On any mod post or let's say Anime or any other content. Keep your hate to yourself & move along TY!


Skyrim is a game where you can mod to your heart content. Each has their own tastes. No one has the right to bad mouth anyone play style or mod period!


Disclaimer: I don't hate Star Wars, Halo nor 300 content!

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I'm also on the side of "to each their own". Personally, don't like anime anything. I have friends that love it, which is unbelievable if you saw some of them. Tattooed up, snakebite lip piercings, drink like a fish, watching anime. Cracks me up.


Someone before said that RPG players are notorious escapists. Lore lovers will "live" in a lore friendly Skyrim, anime lovers will "live" in their world of Animeified Skyrim.


So that is how I look at it. I play my way. They play their way. If it makes you tingle inside, whats to stop ya from enjoying it? :)

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can an admin please lock this s*** thread?


1. the only reason people want to use anime mods is because they like anime enough to use anime mods


2. the only reason people dont want to use anime mods is because they like the TES enough to maintain the original TES atmosphere.


/thread now stop f***ing talking about this, its a constant boring circle jerk.



edit: the nexus site should have lore friendly and non lore friendly categories and search options, out of sight out of mind.

Edited by Capomafioso
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