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Is there a mod to spawn Npcs?


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I know you can spawn them from console command with putting in the correct number for the npc you want... But I was wondering if theres a simpler way to do it. So i dont have to have 50 ..8 digit numbers to memorize :)



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Depends if you care if they are random or the same one over and over.



If you make a Magic Effect with Concentration type and have it scripted...


Scriptname SpawnScript extends ActiveMagicEffect  

ACTORBASE property Spawn auto
ACTOR property Caster auto

EVENT onEffectStart(ACTOR akTarget, ACTOR akCaster)
Caster = akCaster

EVENT OnUpdate()
Caster.placeAtMe(Spawn) ; OnUpdate is automatically unregistered on effect finish


I actually tried to make a dog launcher out of this lol. Apparently the game doesn't like it when I apply a HavokImpulse or a PushActor at load time... I attached an OnLoad to the Actor I was throwing, thats actually when I called the impulse/pushactor, game just crashes immediately unfortunately :( guess it really isn't ready for manipulation like it says.

Edited by expired6978
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