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help - the ultimate mod list


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Hi guys, i installed skyrim again the legendary edition with all dlc after i played vanilla when it came out years ago, but i want to play it with all the best mods possibles, but there are so many and im pretty noob cuz i never used one, so i really need your help... ill make a list of things i need and hope you can suggest me the best mod for every point.


So i need mods for:


1) environment: terrain, water, buildings, flora and fauna


2) best looking NPC and main character (i saw videos with very sexy and nice looking npc girls and nice looking men, with really awesome skins)


3) horses


4) best looking armors


5) best looking swords


6) UI


7) followers/companions


8) combat


9) effects


10) map


11) multiple marriage / poligamy


12) multiple followers/companions


this is what i can think about at this moment, if you know something more i can mod with a nice mod pls let me know, cuz i really dont know much about what mods are out, i tried to look but i got lost there are so many and i dont want to f*#@ up the game cause of conflicts between different mods. Thanks a lot in advance for your help :)

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Start with the top endorsed files. Look at Gopher's vids to see about how to install mods properly. Have a look at STEP and GEMS if you want.


'Best' is really subjective, so there's no such thing as an 'ultimate mod list' other than the one you make for yourself, especially as what can run on one person's system might not be able to work on another person's one.

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