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Weirdest ways you've died


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Today I was jumping innocently down the stairs in the Balmora Mages' Guild today, when I suddenly fell through the floor and watched the whole building fading into a gray void. Then somehow I went back up and got stuck in the ceiling. :huh: My acrobatics skill increased, but I kept getting fall damage until I died. Whole thing took about 3 seconds, there was nothing I could do but load my last game.

I've also been killed by slaughterfish because I kept turning around but couldn't find them in time. I felt really dumb about it, though.

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ive had quite a few.


i was atop a dwemer ruin, ontop of a high tower, a cliff racer killed me (i had 5 hp left dammit!) and i wouldnt stop falling.


i died because i jumped than entered a room


fell off a cliff...wait...thats normal...

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Well i'd have to say that the wierdest way i have died is when all of a sudden these two cliff racers suddenly attack me from behind(like usual, those cowards!) and started shooting me with some strong magic. before i could killl the second one i was dead. Now i checked my friends stratagy guided he bought and it says that cliffracers don't even get ANY magic. :wacko:
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Sometimes i get instant killed when going inside dwemer strongholds. No people, no creatures in line of sight and full HP, then i just fall down and die...


i got killed in one hit by gaenor when i had over 400hp, that shouldnt be possible either :huh: ...

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I mentioned elsewhere when I proudly set out from Gnisis with my adamantium cuirass and dark brotherhood armour, clutching my Daedric Katana and was attacked from behind by a blighted nix hound and killed in two blows!


Unfortunately my previous save had been quite a while before!

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Well one stupid way i died was when my friend gave me this mennequin mod, but he tricked me one of the mannequin's had some of that really strong armor and a daedric sword... and my friend set the the mannequin to kill-on-sight, and well, we all can guess what happened. but i was killed by an invisible person wearing full heavy armour.


Also when i was playing with another mod... this stone fell from a roof and landed on top of me, and in my attempts to get out of it i accidentaly fired an arrow at a weak bosmer with some cr@ppy bow of course when i was shooting at him, i shot at a guard as well... me dead.

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13 Cliffracers and a horde of kagouti and alits attacked me in the Ashlands. My fatigue was all the way down, so I couldn't really hit any of them, and they killed me!


I also was slaughtered on the rocks of the Northern shore after trying one of Tahriel's little scrolls for the first time.

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