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Weirdest ways you've died


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some more i just remembered.


i was fighting that bandit near peligiad, he hit me, then mysteriously ran to the sky (literally) and fell one me after a few seconds, then i died for no reason, then a nix-hound ran up to my corpe and attacked me as if i was still alive...strange


i fell through the map and landed in water, it seems the water was so powerful, it killed me :huh:

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I once started a new charcter, I walked just outside of town to gather some materials so I could make my first potions. Then a cliff racer came up behind me and killed my character. The funny thing is my health was going down but the other effects of getting damaged (sounds, the screen flashes and jerks, etc.) where not happening. I did not notice the cliff racer (or my health going down) until right before the final, lethal, hit. Total playtime for that game was about 5 to 10 minutes. That was the first and last time I played a character with alchemy as a major/minor skill.
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One time I scaled a mouttan near Aid-Ruhn with 2 health left. I also couldn't rest for some reason, but regardless. I got hit by a Cliff Racer on the edge of the cliff, knocking me off. I didn't die hitting the ground, I died landing on a Guar who bit be while I was in the air...

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